Ready or not, we're in the new year
As the shore of 2024 fade away and we move forward (whether we want to or not), community member summerteeth posted a thought provoking question in AskMetaFilter: "What gives you hope for the future, in 2025?"
As the shore of 2024 fade away and we move forward (whether we want to or not), community member summerteeth posted a thought provoking question in AskMetaFilter: "What gives you hope for the future, in 2025?"
Not from the edges ... rather from small pockets of good work: duien posted an excellent and quite useful quote from Kathleen Dean Moore in the Signs of Hope Ask Metafilter post. In fact saving and sharing this quote is probably one small significant affirmative act of refugia in itself.
"There were four living trees on it, lots of erosion and it was an eyesore ..." chariot pulled by cassowaries posts the wonderfully inspiring story of a group of friends who, over a period of 20 years, rehabilitated "the most degraded, clapped-out piece of farmland they could find."
In MetaTalk, stoneweaver suggests using the tag HopefulSummer (or HopefulWinter for our antipodean Mefites) for theme posts about positive and hopeful things.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.