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Posts tagged with hope


photo of vibrant yellow flowers and lush new greenery growing up alongside old blasted dead grey tree trunks

Not from the edges ... rather from small pockets of good work: duien posted an excellent and quite useful quote from Kathleen Dean Moore in the Signs of Hope Ask Metafilter post. In fact saving and sharing this quote is probably one small significant affirmative act of refugia in itself.

by taz

Unlikely Paradise

photo of an outdoors plant with slender leaves and attractive, delicate purple and yellow blossomsBlack-anther Flax-lily is one of the many indigenous species planted by ReSource RICA. Photo by Geoff Nowak on Flickr

"There were four living trees on it, lots of erosion and it was an eyesore ..." chariot pulled by cassowaries posts the wonderfully inspiring story of a group of friends who, over a period of 20 years, rehabilitated "the most degraded, clapped-out piece of farmland they could find."

by taz

"It's not all gloom and doom"

 A wooden crosspost sign with the word HOPE and an arrow pointing right against a bright blue skyPhoto by pol sifter on Flickr: sign pointing to the village of Hope, Derbyshire UK

hippybear posted 66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023

by taz

Hopeful Summer / ɹǝʇuᴉM

through the cracksthrough the cracks by zenobia_joy (cc by-nc)

In MetaTalk, stoneweaver suggests using the tag HopefulSummer (or HopefulWinter for our antipodean Mefites) for theme posts about positive and hopeful things.

by taz

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