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Posts tagged with light

Modulations Of Light, AKA Wings

Check out this post by dhruva that highlights Nanoscopes, an award-winning short film about butterfly wings! After you've gazed over the beautiful images, dive into the thread to read some commentary from the filmmaker themselves!

Screenshot from film

Soak up some Light

What Would The Emperor Wear?

DandelionDandelion by John Brighenti (cc by)

wheatlets is "looking for clothing that passes the Stupid Sexy Flanders test": any type of clothing, as long as it can barely be felt on your body. What are your favourite articles of clothing that feel as little like wearing clothing as possible?

by taz

Smooth Criminals

up close shot of raccoon face just before it steals camera from girl

filthy light thief posts some cute adorable fuzzywuzzy dirty rotten effulgence felons, plus see more October "Post Your Name" Month offerings here.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





