Pet this Post
Glinn posted Animal Companions (esp. dogs) of Metafilter in Metatalk, and they are all good companions, Brent.
Glinn posted Animal Companions (esp. dogs) of Metafilter in Metatalk, and they are all good companions, Brent.
Hello, Bob.
"it's like a cross between an aquarium and a reality show," observes MrVisible in nobody's post about Hello Street Cat's video network of cute human decorated cat feeders set up throughout China to feed and track strays ... plus entertain the folks at home!
lost baby hedgehog perched atop the head of an unsuspecting sightseer, apparently. (photo by Erik Mclean,
Post from fight or flight on Woman mistakes bobble for baby hedgehog wins for best photo of the day, best crouton petting post; best "bobble" vs "pompom" vs "puff" vs "tribble" vs "womble" post; best "Pro-hedgehog propaganda" post; best fluffy thread about fluffy threads post; and best fun name for baby animal (since yesterday) post.
Here's a little gem: Ranking "1989 (Taylor’s Version)" tracks based solely on their connection to sewer infrastructure by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, linked by Gorgik in the Enswiftification thread.
In ask Metafilter, a question about great office gifts: people really love a useful household item that is much, much more adorable than the version of that item they already own ... How should I dominate the game this year?
filthy light thief posts some cute adorable fuzzywuzzy dirty rotten effulgence felons, plus see more October "Post Your Name" Month offerings here.
[Answer: Yes, yes, we are having the fun!]
filthy light thief proposes Happy Fun September in MetaTalk. Wheee!
Design Faves Logo Design by The Logo Smith (cc by-nc-nd)
In Ask Me recently:
Online resources for teaching basics of good document design?
Give me your colorful, cute, glam office supplies yearning to be free
Looking for the best dish drying rack ever
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.