No seriously, let me fix that for you!
Shoe repair by knapjack (cc by)
Bella Donna's post about France offering subsidies for clothing repairs has spawned an excellent collection of tips on clothing and shoe repair!
Shoe repair by knapjack (cc by)
Bella Donna's post about France offering subsidies for clothing repairs has spawned an excellent collection of tips on clothing and shoe repair!
Farewell to good old times 2 by elitatt (cc by)
Looking for outstanding travel clothes, shoes, accessories: in Ask Metafilter christa asks, What specific items have you found to be particularly useful when traveling?
Housekeeping! by Eat_Crow (cc by-nd)
Prepare to be amazed and maybe disgusted! MsMolly sparks a roundup of AskMe questions about everyday behaviors that you never knew other people are doing wrong - like shoes on vs. off in the house, and sit vs. stand to wipe.
And in the thread on the snowballing repercussions of the Panama Papers, some reporting direct from our Iceland bureau and some other local news coverage.
Other recent threads on corruption around the world: the Unaoil bribery scandal; Brazil's government-wide meltdown.
concept sketch of shoe art
Member rodeoclown shares an incredible story of designing custom Nike shoes along with a young diabetes patient, and the extra lengths they went to make it really great.
One "on the side" project I've been lucky enough to do was creating a special shoe for a 10-year-old boy as part of a long-running fundraiser (for the past 10+ years, Nike has worked with kids from the Doernbecher Children's Hospital here in Portland, letting them design custom shoes, actually bringing them into production, then selling and donating all proceeds to the hospital... ~$8 million dollars raised so far.)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.