Best Of MetaFilter

Posts tagged with sheets

Let's get comfortable

Photo by I am R. via Flickr (

What is your advice for soft cotton and linen sheets that are soft and will last a while? 'Cause over in Ask MetaFiilter, peperomia is looking for suggestions, and really who wouldn't want the best bed sheets to sleep on?

Dirty secrets

Housekeeping!Housekeeping! by Eat_Crow (cc by-nd)

Prepare to be amazed and maybe disgusted! MsMolly sparks a roundup of AskMe questions about everyday behaviors that you never knew other people are doing wrong - like shoes on vs. off in the house, and sit vs. stand to wipe.

And in the thread on the snowballing repercussions of the Panama Papers, some reporting direct from our Iceland bureau and some other local news coverage.

Other recent threads on corruption around the world: the Unaoil bribery scandal; Brazil's government-wide meltdown.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





