"Amazing writers, never heard of 'em"
Image via Dreamstime
In Ask Metafilter, sonofsnark is looking for "recommendations for amazing fiction writers that I am unlikely to have heard of before"
Image via Dreamstime
In Ask Metafilter, sonofsnark is looking for "recommendations for amazing fiction writers that I am unlikely to have heard of before"
postcard from the day you left, collage, 2020 by yumikrum (cc by-nc-nd)
In Ask Metafilter, azalea_chant is looking for "mysteries that deviate from the standard structure/genre tropes etc. Can be fantasy or science fiction, literary, whatever ... just stuff that’s slightly different"
Ghostball by Neil Kremer (cc by-nd)
AskMe recommends movies, books and places that are bad, weird, or fun: Most obscure bad movies?
Tragic sad-ending movies, that you would willingly watch again?
Truly singular unique movies and tv shows?
Weirdest book in the history of English?
Places with unique events, festivals, attractions?
Normally-bustling places that have predictable moments when they're totally deserted?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.