No spoiled broth here
Tiny Japanese restaurants in 4K. "... there's a whole channel of these wholesome, calming and hunger-inducing videos"
Tiny Japanese restaurants in 4K. "... there's a whole channel of these wholesome, calming and hunger-inducing videos"
I'm still trying to figure out what the hell happened with me." Loquacious gives an inside view of the reality of restaurant work in this grim new Covid + Capitalism timeline.
I hear you by Gustav Klim (cc by)
Warrnambool's wombat; NESS not NEZ; Commensalist Lorax; HAMMACHER SCHLEMMER!; Beano of Dundee; Painswick nibbles, pub butty & more; Fox Amoore Stitches; Feierabend, et al; Chicken Diapers; Dada à la Dupré; Epithelial Scutoids; Imperiled Achoques.
Order_Up: Wide Shot by BrickWares (cc by)
"a lot of the boring stuff gets elided": feckless fecal fear mongering offers a fascinating description of his workday as a professional chef for an Ask Me poster who says I want watch how people in professional kitchens clean, prep, and execute a service.
From the archives: three years ago, metafilter member Miko put together an exhaustive post about Thanksgiving classic Alice's Restaurant, which is basically the perfect thing to disappear into if you need to gird yourself for family or ruminate in a postprandial stupor.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.