"... today this train is in reverse formation"
Glasgow Central arrival by Dai Lygad (cc by)
"Plunderphonics": Creative fun with ScotRail announcements!
Glasgow Central arrival by Dai Lygad (cc by)
"Plunderphonics": Creative fun with ScotRail announcements!
I hear you by Gustav Klim (cc by)
Warrnambool's wombat; NESS not NEZ; Commensalist Lorax; HAMMACHER SCHLEMMER!; Beano of Dundee; Painswick nibbles, pub butty & more; Fox Amoore Stitches; Feierabend, et al; Chicken Diapers; Dada à la Dupré; Epithelial Scutoids; Imperiled Achoques.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.