Where tradition and minimalism meet
photo by Camille Lemoine via folkradio.co.uk
yasaman posted about Brìghde Chaimbeul, the young musician from the Isle of Skye who is helping to bring back Scottish smallpipes from the edge of obscurity
photo by Camille Lemoine via folkradio.co.uk
yasaman posted about Brìghde Chaimbeul, the young musician from the Isle of Skye who is helping to bring back Scottish smallpipes from the edge of obscurity
Glasgow Central arrival by Dai Lygad (cc by)
"Plunderphonics": Creative fun with ScotRail announcements!
Plate with sliced peaches by wuestenigel (cc by)
Pull up a chair and sit down, as EmpressCallipygos 'splains what to do with
millions of peaches (or other produce)
Elsewhere on our plate:
Salad Fight! | 1,500 year old New Mexican beans | An Alphabet of international bread recipes | Reclaiming Canadian indigenous cuisine | As Muslim-American as bean pie | We all scream for ... mayo ice cream? | Sugartime by Ruby Tandoh | Forgotten Southern Recipes | An illustrated compendium of Chinese baos | Verbing the taco | The story of Chop Ayam
And finally, for those of us less culinarily evolved, have we even been opening our cans the wrong way?
inside elevation by parramitta (cc by)
Why does Wyoming have such a low population compared to neighboring states? barchan explains, jeb adds: "everything in the West comes back to water".
Ever wonder what a "nor'easter" is? Check out the great answers from Seymour Zamboni, plastic_animals, and weathergal in rules of thumb for weather patterns in the USA.
Lots of different places have unique colloquial weather terms too. (Gullywashers, the foxes' wedding, and lots of wind terms again from barchan.)
Also in language surveys: What are some antiquated place nicknames (like the Borscht Belt)? What do other languages call it when your foot "falls asleep"?
Different cultures also have their own languages of flower-meanings. Plus some cool info from sukeban on how new imported flowers like roses made their way into kimono designs in the late 19th century.
For geography/history detectives: How can I tell, just from clues in the document itself, when a world map was made or figure out when a photograph was taken?
Did you see the new photos from the formerly-hidden-from-visitors North Korean subway system?
Some great answers in travel threads recently: Italy: non-traditional but amazing?, and also Scotland: what not to miss.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.