Windows Vista?
View from my window by orionperks (cc by)
Check out the view from a window in a random home somewhere else in the world
In Metatalk: "March 31st is the International Transgender Day of Visibility. I'd like a thread for those of us who are here to talk about our experiences on MetaFilter if we want to, to raise awareness of issues, and to celebrate our lives and contributions and voices and each other."
View from my window by orionperks (cc by)
Check out the view from a window in a random home somewhere else in the world
Plate with sliced peaches by wuestenigel (cc by)
Pull up a chair and sit down, as EmpressCallipygos 'splains what to do with
millions of peaches (or other produce)
Elsewhere on our plate:
Salad Fight! | 1,500 year old New Mexican beans | An Alphabet of international bread recipes | Reclaiming Canadian indigenous cuisine | As Muslim-American as bean pie | We all scream for ... mayo ice cream? | Sugartime by Ruby Tandoh | Forgotten Southern Recipes | An illustrated compendium of Chinese baos | Verbing the taco | The story of Chop Ayam
And finally, for those of us less culinarily evolved, have we even been opening our cans the wrong way?
LSK in Ask Metafilter: I'm looking for a list of songs that were large hits across multiple European countries but which never made significant inroads in the US. So many great answers!
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.