An open thread for Mefites of color
Following on the suggestion from last month's discussions, an open Metatalk thread for Mefites of color.
Starting up a BIPOC advisory board
BIPOC MeFites, we're discussing starting up a MeFi BIPOC advisory board and would like your input!
#poctakeover posting intiative
You might have noticed an uptick in interesting posts the last few weeks by and about people of color; that's thanks to the #poctakeover posting project that a bunch of MeFites of color have been organizing and supporting together. Read more about the project, how it happened, and how it's been going at that link; you can also browse the poctakeover tag to see what you might have missed.
Following on the suggestion from last month's discussions, an open Metatalk thread for Mefites of color.
Following up on recent PoC-related site discussions
Hey, folks, we've made a couple new MetaTalk posts following up on the last month of discussion about how the site and community can better serve our non-white/PoC members.
Context and immediate goals, and then medium/long-term goals.
Hearing from people of color in the MetaFilter community
We've been having a discussion in MetaTalk recently about negative experiences people of color have as members of the MetaFilter community and what can go better and how, and as part of trying to hear from folks better we've set up a thread specifically to make space for those thoughts from members of color. If that's you, we'd really value hearing from you, or privately via the contact form if you'd like; if you're not a person of color, it'd be good to head over there and read and not comment.
Support films made by and about people of color!
Jaguar has compiled a great linked list in the Run Time: 8 Seconds thread.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.