Bender, that you?
When I worked on industrial robots, we had a rule, DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS (or any other body part) IN THE ROBOT'S WORK ENVELOPE: cyanistes comments in the case of the chess robot that broke its child opponent's finger.
When I worked on industrial robots, we had a rule, DO NOT PUT YOUR HANDS (or any other body part) IN THE ROBOT'S WORK ENVELOPE: cyanistes comments in the case of the chess robot that broke its child opponent's finger.
Robots at the Science Museum by p_a_h (cc by)
Robot History; Cannibal Robots; Wakey-wakey, Roverbot; Robot Taxi; Robot Fears; Injury Bot; Roboraptor vs Puppies; shittyrobots tag; Bite my shiny metal asp; Space Robots for everyone; Robot playlist for kiddo.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.