Stress Rx
Happiness in your hands by MamiGibbs (cc by-nc-nd)
Bella Donna has assembled a collection of ideas for cheering ourselves up a bit when we're feeling sad or stressed.
Happiness in your hands by MamiGibbs (cc by-nc-nd)
Bella Donna has assembled a collection of ideas for cheering ourselves up a bit when we're feeling sad or stressed.
Bunny of Despair.jpg by moonbird (cc by-nc-nd)
I am looking for novels in which the protagonist has been rejected by society, hates society and all it's people generally or just feels very disconnected from everything ... I like sadness, despair, bleakness, isolation and melancholy. I don't care what the story is about and I don't care how it ends...
ihaveyourfoot seeks fictional novels to help me dive head first into the abyss
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