Help mecran01 trashtalk his friends!
Virtual poker game at Puzzmo
mecran01 wants to know about your favorite online social puzzles.
Virtual poker game at Puzzmo
mecran01 wants to know about your favorite online social puzzles.
The errand hang dances in the sweet vulnerability that comes from the everyday: ellieBOA posts Annika Hansteen-Izora on the errand hang date — "where you hit your homie up to accompany you while you tend to the tasks that come with adulting - the grocery run, getting a pair of pants tailored, helping you pick a new bedframe, etc."
Following up on recent PoC-related site discussions
Hey, folks, we've made a couple new MetaTalk posts following up on the last month of discussion about how the site and community can better serve our non-white/PoC members.
Context and immediate goals, and then medium/long-term goals.
Mastodon and more added to Also On
Hey, are you on Mastodon and want to list that in the social stuff on your profile page? Now you can!
dip dip dip, my blue ship, sailing on the water like a cup and saucer, o-u-t spells out ;-) by *Psyche Delia* (cc by-nc)
Members are now offered a couple of new profile page preference choices: the ability to make their "Contributions" and "Social" fields visible only to logged-in members, and the ability to enter their geographic coordinates without this info being visible. See all the details in this Metatalk post.
This video is about everyone in the world who isn’t Phil Fish.
It turns out the great video, "This is Phil Fish" posted by jklaiho was created by "Mefi's own" Peevish. (The transcript has been posted here.)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.