Week 2 Fundraiser Update: We need your help to REVIVE Metafilter: The steering committee updates the financial situation and lists all the ways you can help, with special guest star, the Crouton Meter!
Week 2 Fundraiser Update: We need your help to REVIVE Metafilter: The steering committee updates the financial situation and lists all the ways you can help, with special guest star, the Crouton Meter!
2010-guate-CSC_32459 by mesaba (cc by)
Help Metafilter survive! - Annual Fundraiser week 1 update. Handy update in the blue from tavegyl and the steering committee on everything going on currently.
dip dip dip, my blue ship, sailing on the water like a cup and saucer, o-u-t spells out ;-) by *Psyche Delia* (cc by-nc)
Members are now offered a couple of new profile page preference choices: the ability to make their "Contributions" and "Social" fields visible only to logged-in members, and the ability to enter their geographic coordinates without this info being visible. See all the details in this Metatalk post.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.