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Posts tagged with riffing

Food fooder foodest

Fair FoodFair Food by Glory Rumours Photos (cc by-nd)

Come riff with us on knockoff food product names including the thousand names of (non)butter - also, what happens if you buy an 18 pack of Skerple.

Or learn about lesser-known (and possibly fictitious) state fair foods.

Offer your corrections to the list of best diners in each state.

Finally comprehensive takedown of the Doritos Locos Taco.

Come riff away

umbrellasumbrellas by Nasir Nasrallah (cc by)

What do you get when you mash up popular movie/book/etc titles? Instant classics like 12 Angry Monkeys, or Rashomonsters, Inc., or Das Booty Call, or Gorillas in the Mister Bean, and so many more. Come pitch your hot new media project here!

Also: (cough) alphabet thread (cough).

Extended Riffing Sessions FTW
You might enjoy the new page on the wiki that links to some fun Extended Riffing Session MeFi threads, generated from this MeTa post.

by jessamyn

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





