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Posts tagged with color

Blue Or Gold?

Ten years ago we were arguing about whether a certain dress was blue or gold, each of certain we were right.

Now chavenet has shared a look back at the incident and what we can learn about it and others when we literally see things differently.


Screenshot from video!

Ok, say you want to make a film about a clown, complete with colorful hair and attire, on the red sands of Mars. That would be incredibly complicated to do with modern green screen techniques. But what if this technology has been developed decades ago and then lost? Well, AlonzoMosleyFBI made a post about the Creative Corridor's journey to recreate this "lost" process so they could do a screen test of, you guessed it, a clown, complete with colorful hair and attire, on the red sands of Mars!

True Colors

ColorsColors by estevan_poll (cc by)

Lots of interesting answers to Charity Garfein's question, "Do you know any cool facts about colors?"!

by taz

Spinach in Ur MetaTalk

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747 by Ape Lad (cc by-nc-nd)

lately in MetaTalk:

Why, the site is a glorious peacock!: Announcing More Color for the Classic Theme

Mefi Podcast 114 is out: "I Say It's Spinach, And To Hell With It"

Discussing Books in Fanfare: Let's talk about books, baby

How YOU doin'?: What's new, MeFites? Have a life update you'd like to share?

by taz

The Rhyme and Reason Behind Post-it Note Colors

post-it colors

MetaFilter member overeducated_alligator gives us the low-down on why Post-It notes come only in certain colors that don't seem evenly spread throughout the color wheel.

by mathowie

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