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Posts tagged with cool

Your Name Never Looked So Beautiful

Foxfirefey shared the incredibly wonderful “Your Name In Landsat”. The site allows you type in a word and each letter will use a Landsat image from Earth! You can even save the word as a collage, check it out!

Into the green again

White CandleWhite Candle by IainBuchanan (cc by)

you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack And you may find yourself in another part of the world And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a beautiful house And you may ask yourself, does A Thing exist? And you may find that the Thing exists and that a mefite will make it and send it to you. #nice

by taz

"everything is expensive and nothing makes sense": Hey, check out phunniemee's post in Metatalk kindly offering pro assistance to US mefites who need help navigating confusing health insurance benefits issues!


Live Long and Lobster chair

photo of a modernistic black leather and chrome chair with wood veneer with matching footstoolOluf Lund and Eva Paarmann Lobster Chair appearing in DIS: New Eden

Pronoiac posted My god, it’s full of chairs, an index of over 160 different commercially-available chairs that have appeared in Star Trek productions.

by taz

"Curious Curios"

MonkeyToes posted Web Curios, a cool, old school "blognewslettertypething which has existed in various forms in various places online since about 2010."

a wood and glass display cabinet colorfully filled with items such as small paintings, etchings, coral, feathers, mirrors, a skull, etc.Painting: Cabinet of Curiosities, 1690s, Domenico Remps, via Wikipedia

by taz

And still they endure

1978 Citroën 2CV 6 Charleston1978 Citroën 2CV 6 Charleston by Rutger van der Maar (cc by)

Oh, mon dieu! Sonascope has posted 75 years on four wheels and an umbrella, an absolutely magnifique megapost on Citroen's iconic 2CV.

by taz

True Colors

ColorsColors by estevan_poll (cc by)

Lots of interesting answers to Charity Garfein's question, "Do you know any cool facts about colors?"!

by taz

"all killer, no filler"

colorful psychedelic style collage art of a woman's face with large round sunglassesdetail from cover art from the book Electrical Banana: Masters of Psychedelic Art

Slinga has posted the perfectly wonderful 45 minutes of Funky Old Japanese Soundtracks to chill out to, and we love it.

by taz

Tiny Skullduggary

skullchildren of Julyskullchildren of July by Brother O'Mara

Metafilter's own komara has been sculpting tiny skulls and leaving them out in public as free art for people to find and claim.

by taz

An Impractical Key Cabinet

An Impractical Key Cabinet imageAn Impractical Key Cabinet video on Vimeo

I recently finished my year at a woodwork, blacksmithing, and handcraft school in northern Sweden. For my final project I decided to make an automaton, and it has honestly been one of the hardest challenges I've ever had...

Twirlypen made a thing, and it's awesome: Metatalk, Projects.

by taz

"Bring me all your best popsicle recipes"

Organic Watermelon PopsiclesOrganic Watermelon Popsicles by Growing a Green Family (cc by-sa)

I have shiny new popsicle molds. I wish to spend the rest of the summer making all sorts of tasty frozen treats. ... What awesome recipes can you send my way?

Stacey, ISO some chill thrills on the Green.

by taz

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