"We’ll need writers who can remember freedom"
Le Guin in 2009. Photo via Wikipedia, by Marian Wood Kolisch, Oregon State University
humbug posts the shortlist for the Inaugural Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction!
Le Guin in 2009. Photo via Wikipedia, by Marian Wood Kolisch, Oregon State University
humbug posts the shortlist for the Inaugural Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction!
365.342 - Cracker Jack by nettsu (cc by-nc-nd)
Hey, hey, it's July Best Post Contest! Now with delicious CATEGORIES: "Weekly Best Post," "First and Second Time Posters," "Mod Categories," and "Member Categories."
Come add your own prize category! Vote for the best posts! Make a cool post and win a prize and/or the adulation of your peers!
Trophy by Matt Newfield (cc by-nd)
Doroteo Arango II, in the fun Menace 2 artificial intelligence thread, who lost the original school competition, but learned what every young science scholar needs to know: "Sex sells, bribery works, presentation trumps content, and everyone likes free stuff. If you want to sell science, make it shiny and sexy, and give free food."
Discussed in MetaTalk: MetaFilter member Marquis (Sean Michaels) has won Canada's prestigious Giller Prize for his debut novel, "Us Conductors." (... and Ask Metafilter helped!)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.