Love to see it
Photo by Brandon Blatcher
7th Annual Mefi Valentine card Exchange signups are open until January 12! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, SunPower, for organizing!
Photo by Brandon Blatcher
7th Annual Mefi Valentine card Exchange signups are open until January 12! ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, SunPower, for organizing!
It's the 7th MeFi Holiday Card Exchange! needlegrrl is organizing and accepting sign-ups now. Wheee! 💌
✨ Reminder! The Metafilter Fundraising Auction ends tomorrow (Sunday)! Also, in case you missed it, 2022 MeFi Holiday Card Exchange signups are open until 6am EST 11/20.
Wheeee ... It's time for the sixth MeFi Holiday Card Exchange! 💌❄️✨
Postcards by Matt Perich (cc by)
In Metatalk: "Mefi Card Club was started as an ongoing card swap in March of 2018, and is still going strong today — that is over four years!"
What Might this Cardi B?
Speaking of things found on the ground (earlier), Mystery Card. Do you recognize it?
Did you know there is a Mefi Card Club for exchanges year-round? If you love sending and receiving cool paper mail, check it out! 💌
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning currently happening in Metatalk, as well as discussing the idea of a CD micro SD Swap, and the possibility of a MeFi Visual Arts Club.
Card Swap!
Want to send some mail and get some mail? Join the Covid Card Swap! Sign up by Friday April 3 to participate.
vintage valentine "Bee" by karen horton (cc by)
It's the Third Annual Metafilter Valentine Mail Exchange! Sign ups are On!
Mailbox by Eva Ganesha (cc by-nc)
The 2019 MeFi Holiday Card Exchange is happening in Metatalk! ❄️📮
vintage valentine "Bee" by karen horton (cc by)
mochapickle is organizing a Valentine card exchange; discussion and sign-up info in Metatalk! 💖
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.