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Posts tagged with Chicago

Welcome to Midway

Photo by Arvell Dorsey Jr., via Flickr (

Chicago, USA is a city known by several names and vibes. But to photographer Paul D’Amato it's the working class neighborhoods near Midway Airport that show a unique and wonderful side of the city, as seen in this post created by lwxxyyzz

MeFi Music "City Songs" are here!

shackle_originales_07shackle_originales_07 by carmela alvarado art (cc by-nc-nd)

Aw yeah! The results of the Mefi Music challenge for May/June, with the theme City Songs, are queued up and ready to play! The MetaTalk thread discussing the effort and the tunes that emerged from this 77th (!) MeMu Challenge is here. Enjoy!

by taz

AKA the "unexpected polish sausage" IRL

ronald McDonald house dinnerronald McDonald house dinner by dstanfor

Chicago area MeFites got together this past weekend for the second time to cook dinner for people at the Hyde Park Ronald McDonald House.

by jessamyn

Chicago's architecture

Madison at Clark, in the LoopMadison at Clark, in the Loop by heyho linda

MetaFilter member heyho shares why she chose to live in Chicago and all the bits of art and architecture that convinced her to stay there forever.

by mathowie

we're asking schools to solve societal problems that need much broader, more comprehensive solutions than schools can provide.

Chicago teachers demanding improvements to working conditionsChicago teachers demanding improvements to working conditions by fussy onion (cc by)

The strike will settle one way or the other, and I'm following it pretty anxiously because it will have a huge impact on what financial choices my district has going forward. But the truth is that fighting over schools is just moving the deck chairs on the Titanic of totally failed poverty policies.

explanation & specifics from Eyebrows McGee, an "an elected school board member in a downstate Illinois large urban district"

by jessamyn

When they say six, they mean six!

Pedway to Illinois Center and Marshall FieldsPedway to Illinois Center and Marshall Fields by juggernautco (cc by)

The "pedway" is an underground tunnel system below buildings in downtown Chicago, letting people walk throughout the city beneath the street surface. As shakespeherian found out, when they say it closes at six, they mean it closes at six, here's his story of being stuck in the pedway.

originally spotted by jessamyn
by mathowie

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