Manifestive ✨
It's a new MetaFilter tradition, the airing of manifesti!. This holiday season, some beautiful sparkling rants to decorate your curmudgeon dungeon. Thanks, Wordshore! (HT to nickmark for the title)
It's a new MetaFilter tradition, the airing of manifesti!. This holiday season, some beautiful sparkling rants to decorate your curmudgeon dungeon. Thanks, Wordshore! (HT to nickmark for the title)
Manifesto Di Propaganda by mariko2 (cc by)
But I'm also morbidly interested in the manifestos of evil and ill individuals - I poured over Elliot Rodger's manifesto looking for clues as to what went wrong, but also out of pure morbid curiosity: why was he so hateful? What drove him to do what he did?
Dressed to Kill wants manifestos: Feminist manifestos. Communist manifestos. Murder manifestos. The more the merrier. Send me your most interesting manifestos.
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