Reasonably Impossible Or Unreasonably Possible?!
Pachylad is out here sharing the really important question: fairy or walrus? The full and fascinating context is at the link!
Pachylad is out here sharing the really important question: fairy or walrus? The full and fascinating context is at the link!
Eyelash would like recs for funny shows with a similar vibe, especially if they have philosophy as a central theme.
Have you ever heard of the book, “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” ? Part philosophy, part woodworking guide, it's about building an ethical life by creating furniture that will last for generations. It is now free to download, as noted in this post by slogger!
All Life by Wonderlane (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, underclocked has a great answer to the question "How can I avoid flogging myself for missing the life I could have had?"
Enlightenment by marceloquinan (cc by)
beccyjoe wants to know "What is an article or essay that you have read that caused a dramatic change in your thinking / perspective / life? ... I would love to hear what you've read that has blown your mind"
Love is in the air by katerha (cc by)
Love (MetaMatrimony!); Love ("thank goodness for really slow elevators"); Love (Aspasia of Miletus and the roots of western philosophy); Love ("apparently they loved the Moog"); Love ("100 ways to love a cat?"); Love ("it is only with the heart that we see correctly"); Love ("For The Exhausted and Overwhelmed); Legend ("but he never did ask"); Loss? ("I have nightmares about this article").
Asking the big questions: how many holes does a straw have?
On the Jackson Wyoming downtown webcam, did you notice that arch made of antlers?
Did you know they make giant mirrors for telescopes, in a special lab under a football stadium?
WC [toilet facilities] by State Records NSW
History pals!
Enjoy some newly-animated historical city photos, plus barnacles on the history of Australian public bathrooms "in case you're the sort of person that wants to see 115-year old survey sketches of toilets and urinal blocks".
Or listen to the meticulously recreated ambient sounds of 1700s Paris.
How about Marie Duval, 19th century woman cartoonist called 'one of the forgotten wonders of nineteenth-century art .. the bizarre dreamlike distortions of her comic world look like some steampunk 21st-century version of Victorian London."
Or the re-discovered ancient Chinese texts that rewrite the early history of Taoism and Confucianism.
Speaking of, what are some examples of historical events that are commonly misunderstood?
Did you catch teponaztli transcribing some diary pages from 1799-1804 New York City? "The most I've seen her write about anything was how much she hates games, which I love for its being an angry rant from 200+ years ago."
Or enjoy the brief video on the baseball fan Wild Bill Hagy, which is a time capsule of 1979 Baltimore.
Harking back to 1979, share some sense-memories in what was it like when everybody smoked?
Or looking further back - what was sugar like in 1631?
Finally, what are the best history nerds on Youtube?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.