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Posts tagged with SecretQuonsar

It's time once again for Mefi's annual secret Gift Swap!

Join Mefi's annual secret Gift Swap! Signups are open, deadline is Oct. 28.

Coordinator for Secret Quonsar

Time to pass the Quons-torch! julen asks, who wants to take over as coordinator for Secret Quonsar?

Mefi holiday times

Holiday times! Sign up by Dec 5 for the Mefi Cookie Swap! Check out all the great stuff made by Mefites, for sale on the Mefi Mall! And follow along with the fun in the Secret Quonsar thank-you thread!

Preparing to get our Jingle on!

holiday fenceholiday fence by Muffet (cc by)

Some Mefi holiday planning afoot: MeFi Holiday Card Exchange discussion here (sign up by Friday 11/23); submit your shop and/or do some shopping at the Mefi Mall featuring member goodies for sale; Mefi's traditional MST3K Turkey Day is on (but happening on Nov. 18th, not on Thanksgiving Day); if you signed up for Secret Quonsar 2018, don't forget that the send-by date is December 1!

by taz

Time's ticking for secret quonsar signups!

Kurz vor Mitternacht - Roter Wecker im Schnee mit TannenzapfenKurz vor Mitternacht - Roter Wecker im Schnee mit Tannenzapfen by verchmarco (cc by)

If you'd like to participate in the gift exchange, please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Friday, November 9. Participants will find out who they have drawn on Sunday, November 11, and the gift send by (or on) date is Saturday, December 1.

by taz

Secret Quonsar Thank you Thread

Mail DeliveryMail Delivery by icathing (cc by-sa)

Brighten your day with tales of thoughtful people being nice through the mail, in the Secret Quonsar Thank-You Thread -- now including Quonsmas magazine.

Secret Quonsar Thank Yous

giftgift by ImNotQuiteJack (cc by-sa)

The Secret Quonsar Thank-You Thread is full of thoughtful deeds and gratitude.

Tis the season

New Zealand-bound Quonsar Monkey - with ViewNew Zealand-bound Quonsar Monkey - with View by Mrs. Gemstone (cc by-sa)

Secret Quonsar sign-ups are open! Come join in Mefi's annual secret holiday gifto exchangeo -- it's easy and fun and you've got about a week to sign up.

Secret Quonsar Signups

Lincoln's Racing SantasLincoln's Racing Santas by Lincolnian (Brian) (cc by-sa)

Hear ye hear ye -- julen, arcticseal, and phunniemee bring you the most seasonal season of all! You have until Tuesday to sign up for Secret Quonsar, the traditional Mefi gift exchange.

Secret quonsar 2013: Relatively Earlier This Year!
Drawings for Secret Quonsar will be November 22nd this year. See this MeTa thread for more specifics.

by jessamyn

A Christmas Eve Secret Quonsar Tale of Giving and Receiving

Bondcliff made rouftop a ukulele. Rouftop made bondcliff a song with that ukulele, with help from scottandrew. Sing along with us....

by jessamyn

Secret Quonsar signups are open
Tis the season to swap stuff with other MeFites. Secret Quonsar sign ups are open through Tuesday November 20th.

by jessamyn

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