It's Here
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Rhaomi has made a great, in-depth US election day megapost, The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes.
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Rhaomi has made a great, in-depth US election day megapost, The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes.
Please welcome new user, A Most Curious Rabbit, who joined just to explain how your small donation contributes to a political cause. Eye opening information that reminds us that we can be involved in the process!
"Mystery Science Theater Club, that odd tiny little corner of MeFi that shows bad and weird movies Thursdays every week, is doing a day-long show on Tuesday for US Election Day": JHarris in Metatalk. đŸ‡ºđŸ‡¸
U.S. Election Day on Mefi:
- Main Election day thread on the blue
- Guidance for election threads on Metatalk
- Mefi Chat for nervous pacing
- Break Room no election talk in here
- Activism thread share your phone-banking etc
- Voting thread share your voting story
- MST3K all-day watch party hangout space
- MetaCrafts discord hangout space
- Fucking Fuck thread the place for formless screaming
- There Is Help wiki page list of crisis hotlines
- Mefi Contact Form to reach the moderators
In the US, qualified to vote? Vote.
The US Presidential election date is approaching. Trump needs to go. If you can vote, vote. Vote early if you can. Some state-by-state voting info available here.
It's US midterm election day. Follow the main Election Day post on the blue, and the Voting check-in Metatalk. There's also Mefi Election Chat for really livebloggy moments; the regular catch-all thread for non-election US politics stuff; venting thread for primal screams; positive steps Mefites have taken; AskMe's on where to read election analysis and watch coverage online.
i voted by debairdâ„¢ (cc by-sa)
Current US election threads:
-Presidential/national-level discussion
-State- and local- level discussion
Election Chat room is open - for your liveblogging and freaking-out needs
Election Day MetaTalk - for meta-discussion and links to other threads
Give me your voting stories
Tell me about your election volunteering stories from this year... And in general what's it like to be a poll worker on election day?
Let's hear your election predictions
JHarris is running a MST3K marathon today
Give me awesome women's history documents..... and Give me awesome stories about activists getting it done.... and How did election results in the 1800s get transmitted?
and... Secret Quonsar sign-ups, only one day left!
lampshade has been collecting voter info resources for the US elections. Handy!
Mosaika Light Show on Parliament Hill by Jamie McCaffrey (cc by)
O Canada! Come join the party in the Canadian election thread! It's been a dramatic campaign with a dramatic result (celebration starts here). For intensive Mefi coverage of the runup to the big day, see here.
Meanwhile in the baseball playoffs, the Toronto Blue Jays were involved in the bizarre play of the year (oh btw they're still in contention, and there's another thread for the NL series too).
And heck, while we're at it, let's throw in some misty watercolor memories of the late-90s happy hardcore scene in Toronto.
What 51 stars could look like
You might have heard that Puerto Ricans recently voted in their elections to explore becoming the 51st state in the US. MetaFilter member verdeluz has a good overview of the somewhat confusing vote that took place that puts the possibility of statehood in a more realistic light.
Want to wager?
The return of an ancient MeFi tradition, the Election Prediction Contest.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.