Music even Brett would like
Community member Kitteh wants to share the awesome sound of the Toronto band The Beaches, so pull up a speaker and get ready to dance!
Community member Kitteh wants to share the awesome sound of the Toronto band The Beaches, so pull up a speaker and get ready to dance!
In Canada, an initiative to help combat anti-trans rhetoric and attacks at school boards and other local institutions: Lawyers Against Transphobia
Sometimes metaphors really are a thing of beauty. Not often in internet parley, but sometimes. Baby_Balrog on barns, and Canada and stuff in the East Coast Is Sinking thread.
St. Peepsburg wondering about the days before crossing the US/Canada border became so painful, eh? People have answers and interesting anecdotes.
A great thread on Alberta and it's apparent singular lack of rats, plus everything you didn't know that you really, really wanted to know about Warfarin.
Pull up a chair and sit down, as EmpressCallipygos 'splains what to do with
millions of peaches (or other produce)
Elsewhere on our plate:
Salad Fight! | 1,500 year old New Mexican beans | An Alphabet of international bread recipes | Reclaiming Canadian indigenous cuisine | As Muslim-American as bean pie | We all scream for ... mayo ice cream? | Sugartime by Ruby Tandoh | Forgotten Southern Recipes | An illustrated compendium of Chinese baos | Verbing the taco | The story of Chop Ayam
And finally, for those of us less culinarily evolved, have we even been opening our cans the wrong way?
Listing the greatest songs by 21st century women; acquiring Artemesia Gentileschi; remembering activist Maria L. de Hernandez; applauding Therese Okoumou, shero for liberty; celebrating Kate Bush & Emily Brontë; & Emily Brontë; & Emily Carr, Canadian art pioneer; energizing recognition for women of science; peeking at Parker Posy's memoir; enjoying Nahre Sol's Pocket Pieces compositions; feeling good with Summery Lesbian Movies for Summer Lesbianing.
Uncovering the internal anatomy of the Hamburger Helper mascot, what science doesn't want you to know
We need Ruth Bader Ginsburg puns for Halloween
Canadian Mefites share their stories, saying goodbye to Gord Downie
People are psyched for Black Panther
Tornado sirens, weird traffic signals, and more... What are some locally-normal things unique to your home area, that you thought were universal 'til you left home?
fraula and others describe food culture in France
beagle explains some of the appeal of Dutch carbide shooting - "perhaps the pinnacle of cultural achievement in a nation of soccer-playing, bicycle-riding dairy farmers with long winter nights"
Want to be recognized as an independent nation-state? First, get a national football (soccer) team -- diplomacy by sport in occupied Western Sahara.
"Even outlaws have to grow old" -- the story of a legendary Florida marijuana bust in 1973
Take it from a tv person, these two reporters "are the gold standard of TV news feature journalists." -- Minnesota stories
Get to know tiny Hans island, center of a genteel Canada vs. Denmark conflict -- with booze.
Milk in bags -- Mefites share and learn. Also ice cream that's not ice cream.
Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:
Good luck finding parking: "The Precarious Architecture of 7 European Cliff Cities"
The REMAINS of Greenland project is attempting to locate and preserve archaeological sites in Greenland before they are lost to the destructive effects of climate change
Italians Compare the Arrival of Starbucks to the Apocalypse: pjsky's roundup of the unthinkable
Grace's Guide to British Industrial History is a project publishing the history of industry in the UK and elsewhere
"Being Iceland, it gets complicated": Saga Thing is a podcast about the Sagas of the Icelanders
Roadtrip like it's 1966: 1966 video photolog trips of selected highways via BC Ministry of Transportation
No vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end: A short video from the British Geological Survey about Siccar Point
O Canada! Come join the party in the Canadian election thread! It's been a dramatic campaign with a dramatic result (celebration starts here). For intensive Mefi coverage of the runup to the big day, see here.
Meanwhile in the baseball playoffs, the Toronto Blue Jays were involved in the bizarre play of the year (oh btw they're still in contention, and there's another thread for the NL series too).
And heck, while we're at it, let's throw in some misty watercolor memories of the late-90s happy hardcore scene in Toronto.
mandolin conspiracy shares a great collection of links for the 25-year anniversary of the Oka Crisis, the 78-day 1990 conflict between the Mohawk community of Kanesatake and the town of Oka, Quebec, Canada.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.