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Posts tagged with Denmark

rocks and hard places

Close-up view of Greenland on a globe, in shades of blue and greenimage via

Mumimor has an excellent, super helpful, comment explaining the Greenland situation from close up, if you are bemused at all by the perplexing political tempest swirling around the world's largest island and its tiny population.

by taz

Place settings

Reflections, windows, mirrorReflections, windows, mirror by Mind on Fire Photography (cc by-sa)

Tornado sirens, weird traffic signals, and more... What are some locally-normal things unique to your home area, that you thought were universal 'til you left home?

fraula and others describe food culture in France

beagle explains some of the appeal of Dutch carbide shooting - "perhaps the pinnacle of cultural achievement in a nation of soccer-playing, bicycle-riding dairy farmers with long winter nights"

Want to be recognized as an independent nation-state? First, get a national football (soccer) team -- diplomacy by sport in occupied Western Sahara.

"Even outlaws have to grow old" -- the story of a legendary Florida marijuana bust in 1973

Take it from a tv person, these two reporters "are the gold standard of TV news feature journalists." -- Minnesota stories

Get to know tiny Hans island, center of a genteel Canada vs. Denmark conflict -- with booze.

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