A fantastical tale of a great hunter
Screenshot from the animation,
Atreides has a wonderful post about the Missour French Creole folk tale of 'Chasse Galerite', which has been beautifully animated by Brian Hawkings.
Screenshot from the animation,
Atreides has a wonderful post about the Missour French Creole folk tale of 'Chasse Galerite', which has been beautifully animated by Brian Hawkings.
Denali on a clear day by jwinfred (cc by-nc-nd)
Oh, wow, the backstory! If you like reading about byzantine political maneuvers and policy loopholes, you will definitely want to read the Wikipedia article on the naming dispute.
Great info from metaquarry and compartment on the decades-long "congressional name game" and "byzantine political maneuvers" designed to block the restoration of the Alaska Native name "Denali" to Mount McKinley in Fizz's post on the announced renaming.
tip o' the trapper hat to Devonian for the title :P
Pte. Patrick Cloutier, a 'Van Doo' perimeter sentry, and Mohawk Warrior Brad Larocque, a University of Saskatchewan economics student, face off during the Oka Crisis (Image: Shaney Komulainen of Canadian Press, September 1, 1990)
mandolin conspiracy shares a great collection of links for the 25-year anniversary of the Oka Crisis, the 78-day 1990 conflict between the Mohawk community of Kanesatake and the town of Oka, Quebec, Canada.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.