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Posts tagged with dinosaurs

I am dinosaur, hear me take it to the bridge!

Do you like dinosaurs? Then come ska punk/dad rock/indie folk out to an album 186 million years in the making!

That’s right, Professor Goldstein & The Adjuncts, among the mightiest musicians to ever trod this earth, have put out a new album, Songs about Dinosaurs!

Your diamond eyes that shine

T-rexT-rex by Madclicks (cc by)

yet another limited resource in which many of the haves are winning over the have-nots: Barchan offers valuable insight on the multitude of issues surrounding the controversy of the Baby T. Rex listing on eBay

by taz

The Hole Shebang

Chompsky in the holeChompsky in the hole

Great answer by barchan to popcassady's question, "Found this footprint shaped hole in a rock at the beach. Is it a dinosaur footprint?"

In other news of holes and dinosaurs, Dinosaur Comics author Ryan North turns to Twitter when he and dog Chompsky get trapped in a hole. Amusing thread ensues.

by taz

Can you see a t-rex from outer space? Can you see stupid t-rex from France? Nooooooo.

The White Cliffs of Dover (NT) 19-04-2012The White Cliffs of Dover (NT) 19-04-2012 by Karen Roe (cc by)

MeFi member barchan's tongue-in-cheek comparison of dinosaurs vs. smaller fossils is quite amusing.

by mathowie

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