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Posts tagged with irish

A bit of Irish for ya

Image by Scott Curran, via Flickr (

I've always enjoyed traditional Irish music, so these recent uploads to the Music section by wurl1tzer_c0 have brought a smile to my face and a bit of head bobbing. Here's 30 seconds of a traditional tune and later post of another traditional tune, "Maid behind the bar" !

A bit of stress reduction

Books in LibraryBooks in Library by topgold (cc by)

'Amiably peopled' novels? In Ask Metafilter, unicorn chaser asks, "what are your favourite low-stress, enjoyable literary novels about people just hanging out?"

Meanwhile, over in Music, listen to gorbichov's Gan Ainm No. 1, "a little tune I wrote a few months back. I was thinking about Irish slow airs, and wanted to have some of that feel, combined with some harmony stuff I've been playing with ... This is played on my 1945 Epiphone Blackstone archtop, which I really love for melodic playing."

by taz

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