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Posts tagged with drawing

Knowledge to draw on

Dobbs would really, really, really like their drawings of dogs to look like dogs, not alligators. So there's a request for apps, courses, videos, and/or instruction to get better at drawing. Please lend your advice if you have suggestions! Or just come on in to check out the excellent advice that's being shared!

Densely packed

Close up of the Illustration by Hitomi Terasawa 1.3 human beings per square meter. That was the density of  Kowloon Walled City, an enclave of China that existed for most of the 1900s. Before the site was demolished, a beautiful architectural drawing was made of the city and that’s the main point of the post signsofrain created. Seriously, y’all have to see this to believe it!

🌟 Today(ish) only 🌟, 2 good 2 B true, mint condition user account number 22222 giveaway happening now! Comment to enter our drawing to claim this stunning 22222 mefi member number!


"You got your AI in my MS Paint!"

MS Paint drawing of a dinosaur on an elephant holding a no parking signby mefi's own elgilito, currently at #10 for Dinosaur Parked on Elephant

It's Mefites vs the AI in not on display's posting of, a game in which participants must convince an artificial intelligence that they are the best artist.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





