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Posts tagged with archives

"unedited moments from random lives"

screen shot of video showing an aquarium with several fish swimming among rocks and sand. The image has a timestamp 'IMG 1953' at the top left corner. At the bottom, there is a display showing 'VIEWS 15' and 'DATE AUG 31, 2011' with play and pause buttons.

nobody posted about IMG_0001, a time capsule cache of mostly unwatched direct-to-Youtube iPhone Photo uploads – 5 million of them, from between 2009 and 2012, ordered randomly.

by taz

Radio Time Travel

Radio on.Radio on. by Howdy, I'm HMK (cc by)

carrienation posted Bent by Nature, a podcast from LA's KCRW about the legendary DJ Deirdre O'Donoghue and her influential radio show SNAP, with available live music archives from the show (1982-1991). As eschatfische notes in the comments, "not only are the Bent by Nature archives great, they're also a labor of love of Metafilter's own mykescipark."

by taz

Noted on Mefi

MiXED TAPEMiXED TAPE by englishsnow (cc by)

The first all-digital MeFi Music Mixtape Swap signups are open until April 14, so if you're into it, share the love! If you're in need of some inspiration, you might check out some of the more than 50,000 78rpm record sides available from the Boston Public Library now on the Internet Archive. But if that seems a smidge overwhelming, maybe just queue up the one song that apparently nearly every other human on the planet has listened to? That's a lot. Too much? How about just that one special part of that one song that you love so much, but, like, it just keeps going?

by taz

More Music Archive Love icon

The Hip-Hop Radio Archive is bringing taped recordings out of collectors' basements and into a more secure and public home, tracing the spread of hip-hop by providing regional and historical context for the episodes.

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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