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Posts tagged with covers

the art of Penguin book covers

illustration of a white profile silhouette of a man's head filled with blackbirds on branchesCover detail from Anton Chekhov's The Kiss

Book love meets graphic design love meets collectible love in cupcakeninja's post on Greg Neville's Penguin Series Design. ❤️ 📔🐧

by taz

In vain have I struggled

Book cover of Pride and Prejudice showing a handsome dark haired man in his shirtsleeves holding a terrified woman wearing what appears to be an opera cape and a nondescript, but definitely not Edwardian, plain shirtwaist style dress. While he stares hungrily at her chest, the woman looks out to her left at whatever ghastly thing she seems to see approaching. There is what looks to be a haunted gothic gazebo in the background.Mr. Darcy and Miss Bennet are apparently not on the same page

Mefites discuss the worst Jane Austen covers ever.

by taz

Dramatic Gopher News, and a Music Challenge

My Desktop/20080402My Desktop/20080402 by mandolux (cc by-nc-nd)

Recently in MetaTalk:

Mefi kicks it old skool with the resurrection of the Mefi Gopher server

and Greg Nog issues a Mefi Cover Challenge to "record a cover of a song that you only know about because it was in a post on metafilter." (Previous Mefi Music challenges here, and the first Mefi Music Podcast with greenish here.)

by taz

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