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Posts tagged with History

"Sylvie & I are finding it a trifle wearing."

postcard showing a photo of a long, rather boring gallery room probably in a British National Trust house

It strikes me that the past is funny and odd and serious and heart-breaking and packed full of people who feel a lot like us: hurdy gurdy girl posts Tom Jackson’s quirky Postcard From the Past Twitter feed and podcast.

by taz

Vintage photos of Juneteenth

Biographies of early medieval English women

Fifteenth-century Dutch panel painting of Count Baldwin and Queen JudithJudith: The First Crowned and Anointed Queen of Wessex... At Twelve Years Old

My aim with my newsletter is to eventually have written a biography of every single woman we know existed in England between roughly 500 and 1100: Wobbuffet posts historian Florence H R Scott's excellent and accessible "Ælfgif-who?" collection, with links to each entry so far.

by taz

Looking Back

Isolation Time Travel

Push to travelPush to travel by whatleydude (cc by)

Peter Brathwaite recreates historic Black portraiture at home; 2020: A sheltering in place Space Odyssey; hopping back in time to Chrono Trigger; posting Cats of travels past; Star Trek, The New Regeneration: integrating the outtakes; revisiting the prescient Hollow Man; back to the future with the first science fiction story, second century AD.

by taz

"Socialism’s DIY Computer"

Sunday is a good day for railway history!

Waiting to come homeWaiting to come home by mripp (cc by)

Dame posted Retours, "a digital magazine on the intersection of railway history, design and photography."

by taz

It's Alimentary, My Dear Watson

Cooking & EatingCooking & Eating by ☼☼Jo Zimny Photos☼☼ (cc by-nc-nd)

A digest of recent food culture posts on Mefi:

The Food Timeline, evolution of foods dating back to before 17,000BC ⏳; Maria Orosa, Filipina food technologist, chemist, humanitarian, war hero 👩🏽‍🔬; The D.C. Region Doesn’t Have Full-Time Food Critics of Color. Why That Matters 📰; Archeology of Taste is a project about childhood memories 🍭; Consider the potato: How do you prefer yours? 🥔; The Food Flow Model, a web of connections across the continental U.S. 🚚; What Makes Good Comfort Food? A LitHub conversation 🍝; The most taxing work in the kitchen is brain work 🧠Iceland’s last McDonald’s burger simply won’t rot, even after 10 years 🍔.

by taz

48 bytes to spare

Census punch card readerCensus punch card reader by shandrew (cc by-nc)

From the constraints of 1860s banknote sizes to "the opulent luxury of two entire kilobytes of display memory," MeFi's own mhoye dives 2500 words deep into the history of terminal aspect ratios in cgc373's post, "80×25."

by taz

Tell Tale Hearts

Night VisionNight Vision by Tracy O (cc by-sa)

The Underpants Monster tells a gravediggin' story; Stanczyk tells a tale of paper and love beyond the grave; elgilito talks about the death of French rural disco

by taz

Do you wand to know a secret?

image of magic wand

verstegan has a great answer for divabat's question Why do magic wands look the way they do?

by taz

Dam Spot

Figure of the PastFigure of the Past by george.bremer (cc by-nc-nd)

egeanin on Ask Metafilter: I'm looking for first-person accounts (or long-reads) about the experience of being forced to abandon a town in a valley that's scheduled to be flooded as part of a dam/hydroelectric plant project.

by taz

Dear son of Memory

"I will *not* start World War Three for you."

DangerDanger by Whistling in the Dark (cc by-sa)

This is how Michael Jackson (not that one) and James Blunt (that one) helped prevent a war.

Metafilter's own garius comments with interesting details in the thread about his article Pristina: An Airport Too Far, revealing a 1999 incident in Kosovo that almost brought NATO into open conflict with Russia.

by taz

More Peeps like Pepys?

Books About Town, Book Benches, Samuel Pepy's DiaryBooks About Town, Book Benches, Samuel Pepy's Diary by Martin Pettitt (cc by)

I was just curious if anyone else is recognized as having had a similar place, in terms of chronicling a particular place in history and daily life as it happened to them?

Alensin asks, I've begun reading the Diary of Samuel Pepys, and was curious if similar sources exist for other historical periods?

by taz

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