scaremongering, or CAREmongering?
... I learned a lot on that job - mostly by making mistakes. Mefites are weighing in on an Ask Metafilter question about the likelihood of admin login rights creating a major security risk on a work computer.
... I learned a lot on that job - mostly by making mistakes. Mefites are weighing in on an Ask Metafilter question about the likelihood of admin login rights creating a major security risk on a work computer.
Screenshot via
Oh, look, it's a rabbit hole! Or vortex! Or swirling, snaking, spinning, curling, looping, rippling, throbbing, tumbling, bubbling, pulsating, erupting sinkhole of digital diversion. AlSweigart posted random computer and mathematical animations by Etienne Jacob.
Desktop computer GALAKSIJA via Museum of Science and Technology Belgrade
Census punch card reader by shandrew (cc by-nc)
From the constraints of 1860s banknote sizes to "the opulent luxury of two entire kilobytes of display memory," MeFi's own mhoye dives 2500 words deep into the history of terminal aspect ratios in cgc373's post, "80×25."
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.