48 bytes to spare
From the constraints of 1860s banknote sizes to "the opulent luxury of two entire kilobytes of display memory," MeFi's own mhoye dives 2500 words deep into the history of terminal aspect ratios in cgc373's post, "80×25."
From the constraints of 1860s banknote sizes to "the opulent luxury of two entire kilobytes of display memory," MeFi's own mhoye dives 2500 words deep into the history of terminal aspect ratios in cgc373's post, "80×25."
Rolling out some updated site documentation
We've updated some site documentation, in particular an updated community guidelines and expectations page and some details on being aware of and avoiding common microaggressions. There's some detail in this MetaTalk post.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.