This is the hook
Diverge by Marco Nürnberger (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, What songs reference their music in the lyrics? "Can you give me examples of songs where the lyrics reference what is happening in the music?"
Diverge by Marco Nürnberger (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, What songs reference their music in the lyrics? "Can you give me examples of songs where the lyrics reference what is happening in the music?"
Expect Mayhem by Brian Blythe (cc by-nc)
"What music sounds most to you as if it were written/performed by/for goblins?"
What music for New Year Party? by margycrane
I fucking love ranting about this topic because it makes me feel smart and it's taken me decades to learn a lot of this stuff and debunking audiophile woo. Loquacious with an epic "extended play" on music audio.
In Ask Metfilter: One Night in Bangkok makes a wee baby boogie (what other songs will?), and by the way, what the heck was that (South Korean) song "The Boogie"? (and why was it so funny?). Hey now, don't tell me those boogies are dated — tell me HOW DATED ARE THEY?
Music Expands by byzantiumbooks (cc by)
Algorithms are great *but* don’t go to any guilty pleasures or allow any other person to use your account, unless you want those choices feeding into it. I don’t know a way to come back from the pollution of one’s algorithm. (I found *great* new bands until I allowed this to happen) – cotton dress sock: Lots of interesting tips, recommendations, and suggestions on the How to find new music I like Ask Metafilter post.
detail from cover art from the book Electrical Banana: Masters of Psychedelic Art
Slinga has posted the perfectly wonderful 45 minutes of Funky Old Japanese Soundtracks to chill out to, and we love it.
Gorgik: This post is a perfect homage, given the care and obsession that it took to make it. Rhaomi makes a rather spectacular post on comedian Bo Burnham and his pandemic special "Inside."
...é peroba no campo, é o nó da madeira... by SheilaTostes (cc by)
oulipian posts Elis Regina and Tom Jobim performing "Aguas de Março" (video, 1974)
Youtube: The Lion King - Hans Zimmer - Lebo M in the Vienna Concert Hall
Don't miss Rhaomi's really wonderful breakdown of The Lion King's original score, including translations of "the subtle Zulu/Xhosa vocals woven into the score that actually comments on the film, like a Greek chorus," and more, in metabaroque's Lion King Finale post.
TruTone by Steve Walser (cc by-nc-nd)
The MetaFilterMusic Podcast is BACK, BABY, thanks to greenish, who has also put up a new MeFi Music Challenge, The Collaboration Station. Meanwhile back in Metatalk, want a letter in your rl mailbox? Cos you can totally get a letter. Check out chiefthe's Modern Pen Pal Project, before Kristi's Metatalktail topic sends you back, back in time, to the small moments.
Strings by eleonoralbasi (cc by-sa)
Greenish is raising the flag for Mefi Music fans, old and new, in Metatalk.
Books in Library by topgold (cc by)
'Amiably peopled' novels? In Ask Metafilter, unicorn chaser asks, "what are your favourite low-stress, enjoyable literary novels about people just hanging out?"
Meanwhile, over in Music, listen to gorbichov's Gan Ainm No. 1, "a little tune I wrote a few months back. I was thinking about Irish slow airs, and wanted to have some of that feel, combined with some harmony stuff I've been playing with ... This is played on my 1945 Epiphone Blackstone archtop, which I really love for melodic playing."
Campfire by Jason Pratt (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, quiet coyote is looking for "good discussion-based games for 6 adults to play as a group that don't involve supplies other than pen and paper, and ideally help us learn more about each other rather than just passing the time."
Meanwhile, over in Mefi Music, the most favorited tracks of the past week have been: Workman 9 to 5; A Grand Unslam; Trapeze Act; Time (the Revelator)
On Metafilter, A critical look and serious discussion of Netflix's "Indian Matchmaking"
Meanwhile over on Mefi Music, the most playlisted tracks in the last week were Soviet Girl and Pulse, and the most favorited tracks were Pulse, Mirrorball, and Activity Indicating Activity
Mefites are discussing Steven Soderbergh's black-and-white cut of Raiders of the Lost Ark with music by Trent Reznor and no dialog. Are there other films that are better in black and white? Molesome knows some.
Meanwhile, over in Metatalk, Last day to submit to Mefi Music Swap, MeFi Mag revisited, MetatalkMimosas: Your Music Muse!, Updated Community Guidelines, and Site Update #1.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.