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Posts tagged with Music

Music swap deadline!
Last chance to participate in the Music Swap; deadline for submission is Saturday, so if you feel like swapping playlists, get to it!

by cortex

[fan/fawn pun goes here]

Magic Kingdom - Dancin' DeerMagic Kingdom - Dancin' Deer by Jeff Krause Photography (cc by-nc-nd)

Harpist playing outdoors receives an unexpected visit

by taz

Music swap!
Interested in participating in a music swap? Because there's a music swap!

by cortex

Chicks Dig It

chicks on the dance floorchicks on the dance floor by frankieleon (cc by)

functionequalsform needs soothing songs for fowl purposes

by taz

I am thinking of your voice and of the midnight picnic ...

Autumn leaves flowers berries branches and pineconesPhoto by Karolina Badzmierowska on Unsplash

Fantastic in-depth post by AgentRocket on Suzanne Vega and Tom's Diner 🍽, plus more assorted autumn audio on mefi:

Ad for Argo's Book of Dreams featuring Nandi Bushell 🥁; meet John Farnham, Australia's famed "Whispering Jack" 🇦🇺; the global, omnivorous sonic diet of SVBKVLT 🌎; U2 Joshua Tree tour fan edit video 📼; songwriter (and Oscar-winning actress) Mary Steenburgen 𝄢; poet, musician, activist, Moor Mother🎤; true stories from Martin Simpson in his "Rooted" album 📖; Great Chafing Moonboots, it's Friends Again!🍻; 1980 Concert by Young Marble Giants 🎵; Mercedes de Sosa and Gracias a la vida 🌞; Wendy Carlos' Switched-on Bach, 1968 🎹; Maestro: animated woodland creatures perform a gorgeous Bellini opera aria 🎼; The World According to Sound podcast 🎙; Dylan Tallchief made a drum machine in Excel 🥁; Sounding off, an appreciation of and guide to nautical noises ⚓️; Honeyland Happy Honeybee Harmonies (animation) 🐝; Sudan Archives, North African style violin + West Coast RnB, funk, soul 🎻; Indigo Girls' Swamp Ophelia 🥀; open-source Spleeter audio separation library 🎧; Lucy Dacus seasonal covers for Halloween and Christmas🎄; "Let It Go" in Klingon ❄️; recovering Native language for the indigenous community👂🏽; 1979-1983: A very abbreviated musical history ☮︎; Air Safety Video, K-pop style✈️; Kesha, Raising Hell with Big Freedia 🔥; Blade Runner Esper Edition soundtrack fan-made bootleg 👁; restored classic and lost punk films 📽; acoustic version of Ministry's "Everyday is Halloween" 🎃; and finally, an alter of sound for Day of the Dead 💀

by taz

Beautiful Music for Big Feelings

Joy of RainJoy of Rain by Bindaas Madhavi (cc by-nc-nd)

carlypennylane is looking for captivating contemporary instrumental music that strongly captures a mood or a moment

by taz

Who TF does that?

Publicity still of The Association with Larry Ramos center frontThe Association, with Larry Ramos center front

Larry Ramos, that's who. 23skidoo has a great comment about Ramos' skills and background in hippybear's The Association post.

by taz

"how have I made it this long without knowing about this instrument?"

Salliou on YouTubeSalliou on YouTube

spamandkimchi draws our grateful attention to Senegalese musician Salliou playing the cas cas (also known as the aslatua, aslato, kashaka, cascas, televi, kasso-kassoni...)

by taz

Our friends, eclectic

Gary Numan Tubeway Army poster imageposter image via

But on the night of 28 June 1979 all that is in the unknowable future, as Gary Numan puts on his make-up, throws up in the dressing room sink through sheer nerves, and prepares to walk onto the stage of Top Of The Pops as the UK’s newest Number One hitmaker...

Mefite Devonian (hashtag "okimobsessivesosueme") takes us on a wonderful deep dive with late-70's new wave synth-pop UK band Tubeway Army and Gary Numan.

by taz

Noted on Mefi

MiXED TAPEMiXED TAPE by englishsnow (cc by)

The first all-digital MeFi Music Mixtape Swap signups are open until April 14, so if you're into it, share the love! If you're in need of some inspiration, you might check out some of the more than 50,000 78rpm record sides available from the Boston Public Library now on the Internet Archive. But if that seems a smidge overwhelming, maybe just queue up the one song that apparently nearly every other human on the planet has listened to? That's a lot. Too much? How about just that one special part of that one song that you love so much, but, like, it just keeps going?

by taz

L Words

Love is in the airLove is in the air by katerha (cc by)

Love (MetaMatrimony!); Love ("thank goodness for really slow elevators"); Love (Aspasia of Miletus and the roots of western philosophy); Love ("apparently they loved the Moog"); Love ("100 ways to love a cat?"); Love ("it is only with the heart that we see correctly"); Love ("For The Exhausted and Overwhelmed); Legend ("but he never did ask"); Loss? ("I have nightmares about this article").

by taz

Relics of a well spent youth

e-werk_1996-09e-werk_1996-09 by saintsebastion (cc by)

... Unlike the stereotype, we were all straight-edge kids. No drugs. No alcohol, even. We just showed up at the club before 9pm for free entry, drank water all night, and then drove home. The only money out of pockets might be a slice of greasy pizza at 3am. It was a fantastic way to be young for a while. bl1nk

Mefites reminisce in the Rave Flyer Archive thread.

by taz

They are the Champions

Bohemian Hotel SunsetBohemian Hotel Sunset by Thanks for over 2 million views!! (cc by)

Bohemian lifestyle got you down? Rhapsody in Blue on the radio? Long threads have a tradition... Boat on over and check it out.

Channeling Euterpe

Concord, Walden I and Walden II (1971) - Tom Philips (1937)Concord, Walden I and Walden II (1971) - Tom Philips (1937) by pedrosimoes7 (cc by)

A decade or so ago, the web was awash with small mp3 blogs, presenting all manner of music old and new, often grouped into categories that reflected genres or personal interests. Where are they now?

In Ask Metafilter, srednivashtar wonders, Where have all the music blogs gone?

Meanwhile, in recent music musings on Mefi: "Nardis" and the Curious History of a Jazz Obsession | William Shatner’s "Has Been" | Do we finally know what ancient Greek music sounded like? | The last few decades of The Fall | "How we made Steppenwolf's 'Born to Be Wild'" (plus covers!) | Jambinai Korean post-rock band | Etienne De Crecy, Rhythm Composer | "Jee Veerey" Indian folk metal | The story behind "Afternoon Delight."

by taz

Women's Work

Baba YagaBaba Yaga by Lady Orlando (cc by)

Listing the greatest songs by 21st century women; acquiring Artemesia Gentileschi; remembering activist Maria L. de Hernandez; applauding Therese Okoumou, shero for liberty; celebrating Kate Bush & Emily Brontë; & Emily Brontë; & Emily Carr, Canadian art pioneer; energizing recognition for women of science; peeking at Parker Posy's memoir; enjoying Nahre Sol's Pocket Pieces compositions; feeling good with Summery Lesbian Movies for Summer Lesbianing.

by taz

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MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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