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Posts tagged with Music

Ley Lines V

IMG_1697IMG_1697 by (cc by)

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

40 years of Shenzhen, from market village to SEZ

Breaking the Ice, rare Icelandic funk- and soul-inspired music

Central Station, stories from cattle stations in the Australian outback

Georgia Has a Coast? Photos by drone of the Georgia coast that fills his soul

Women's Worlds in Qajar Iran: looking at the lives of women during the Qajar dynasty (1796-1925)

La Scarzuola: deep in Italy, one man’s surrealist mini-city sleeps

Arundhati Roy on the politics of language and translation in India

Beyond 'Florida Man': The problem with writing about Florida

Figures In The Stars: comparing 28 different sky cultures

by taz

It is not down in any map

Of Monsters And Men - From Finner imageOf Monsters And Men - From Finner

In Ask MetaFilter, all the light we cannot see is looking for new / lesser known music with a travel / adventure theme ("Bonus points if the songs are European or have a European feel. They don’t have to be in English.")

by taz

More Music Archive Love icon

The Hip-Hop Radio Archive is bringing taped recordings out of collectors' basements and into a more secure and public home, tracing the spread of hip-hop by providing regional and historical context for the episodes.

by taz

These Bands Could Be Your Life

Tell me that you like it, yeah

Tell me something goodTell me something good by Darwin Bell (cc by-nc)

In MetaTalk, Filthy light thief asks What's the best thing you've read and/or heard lately? Share the goodies!

by taz

Eurovision 2018

Art redeems us all - come on over to Fanfare for Eurovision 2018!

Grab bag

Grab bag again

Vintage Helping Hand Novelty Transistor Radio, Offered As A Promotional Item By General Mills For Hamburger & Tuna Helper, A Premium Resources International (PRI) Product, Made In Hong KongVintage Helping Hand Novelty Transistor Radio, Offered As A Promotional Item By General Mills For Hamburger & Tuna Helper, A Premium Resources International (PRI) Product, Made In Hong Kong by France1978 (cc by-sa)

Uncovering the internal anatomy of the Hamburger Helper mascot, what science doesn't want you to know

We need Ruth Bader Ginsburg puns for Halloween

Canadian Mefites share their stories, saying goodbye to Gord Downie

People are psyched for Black Panther

Little-known Locally Famous

Loose MeatLoose Meat by FotoEdge

What's an obscure food specialty of your local area, that nobody from outside your area's ever heard of?

What's a comedy or music act, famous in your area, that nobody from outside your area's ever heard of?

TV chitchat hour

Ban ‘Killer Robots’ Before It’s Too LateBan ‘Killer Robots’ Before It’s Too Late by wackystuff (cc by-sa)

Do you have opinions about the best TV theme songs? Bring 'em over here.

Eurovision 2017

Semifinal 1 EUROVISION 2008Semifinal 1 EUROVISION 2008 by proteusbcn (cc by)

It's Eurovision time! Jump in today with Tuesday's Eurovision semifinal, and find future installments at Fanfare's Eurovision Club.

Is your breast savage?

Courage, Dear Hearts!

courage dear heartcourage dear heart by distelfliege (cc by)

We've borrowed the quidnunc kid's kind message of love and sharing to all of us to wrap up some touching, interesting, inspiring, educational, fun and/or funny posts to take our minds off certain recent events:

Dear hearts, I should write to you all and each only to say: you are dear, precious, lovely and great hearts. But my words are all worthless, and your honest hearts are greater than my useless words. Persist, I beg you; if we cry together maybe fate will let us halve our tears. But better that you have relief, if the Earth did not make hearts for only weeping.

by taz

Got that good soul in my feet

dancedance by bambe1964 (cc by-nd)

Put your dancing shoes on and take a trip around the world, in gusandrews's fascinating comment on the myriad ways social dance changes and spreads.

Doroteo Arango II reflects on one night at a famous dance club in London. "In 2002 I made a literal last minute decision, standing at the check-in line at the airport after a visit to my sister, to stay in London and see how long and how far I could make it with 100 pounds and basic English..."

Did you catch the incredible historical find, re-created Afro-Caribbean dance music from the 1600s?

What are some of your favorite transcendent, gives-you-chills performances? (And how about most amazing heart-in-your-throat sports moments?)

Conspire describes how this dancer's sign-language performance modifies lyrics and mixes languages to better serve the intended viewer.

Saved from Obscurity?

Uneasy DreamsUneasy Dreams by Celeste (cc by-nc)

Theodolite asks a fascinating question: who are some famous artists, writers, historical figures, etc. whose reputations were revived by a single person?

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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