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Posts tagged with Music

Heyyyy, whatcha readin'?

Books@Leadenhall MarketBooks@Leadenhall Market by Dave Pearce (London) (cc by-nc-nd)

I thought it would be interesting if mefites posted lists of what they plan to or have read, listened to, or watched this summer. I don't want to leave out people in the Southern Hemisphere, though, so feel free to post seasonal lists for whatever the season you may be experiencing!

ArbitraryAndCapricious asks Mefites to share their seasonal reading/ listening/ whatever list

by taz

Culture loupe

Harvesting Palm SugarHarvesting Palm Sugar by edbrambley (cc by-sa)

Join Mefites for a deep dive on some arts and culture from outside the west:

Catchy song and an intro to Kriol language and culture from an Indigenous Australian singer

A new movie provides a window into the unique culture, language, and politics of multigenerational Tamil-Malaysians

Classic short story from "one of Bengal's greatest writers"

Men's fashion from a prizewinning Indian designer

Regional politics, arts and music from Sudanese and South Sudanese journalists

Remixing the 80s

Anna's Eighty-eight butterflyAnna's Eighty-eight butterfly by Charlesjsharp (cc by)

Bop out, with your neon top out - for music Saturday, share your favorite 1980s pop song remixes

Good stuff, arts and whatnot edition

1960 Summer Paralympics1960 Summer Paralympics by brizzle born and bred (cc by-nd)

There has been some good stuff around lately. Hope you didn't miss the inspiring ass-kicking Paralympic athletes...

...or the "spiritual black metal blues" of Zeal and Ardor...

...or this jewelbox of an animated video from the Israeli band Jane Bordeaux....

...or this essay about literature and magic realism in contemporary China...

...or the wide-ranging playlist of music from all over Africa from the 1930s to 1960s...

...or the influential landscapes by once-neglected but newly-renowned African-American painters from Florida.

ISO Ohrwürmer

Music to my ears

100 Cassettes100 Cassettes by Marc Arsenault - Wow Cool (cc by-nd)

Some music posts lately huh?

Did you hear the newly-found clean recording of Louis Armstrong, 1929? Also check the comments for more clean recordings of stars from that era.

Get down with Indian disco and funk star Usha Uthup

A deep dive on the crazy-ass Japanese pop maestro Keiichi Suzuki of Moonriders; too much to sum up.

Up and coming Cuban jazz singer Daymé Arocena: her "vocal repertoire encompasses scatting, Afro-Cuban chanting, scratchy-throated whispers, and a deep, gusty laugh."

Backstage with Farida Khanum, the Pakistani elder stateswoman of classical ghazal poetry singing - "I don’t think she knew how popular she was with young people until I sat her down one day and placed a computer on her lap..."

Mark the passing of Papa Wemba, Congolese music legend - BlahLaLa remembers: "I picked up his music wherever I could find it, and it brought me such joy. When I came home I eagerly pushed those cassettes into friends' hands -- "You've got to listen to this!""

History of one-man bands

What are some pop songs that were big hits across Europe, but not in the US?

Where's the best classical and opera, streaming online? And while we're at it, how about some great eclectic radio, streaming online?

Recommendations! Intro to conscious hip-hop, or some new-ish soul-ish, or something dreamy, or "it'll be alright" comfort music, or turn up the upbeat mixes for working outdoors, or maybe dance music that always makes you happy.

Dramatic Gopher News, and a Music Challenge

My Desktop/20080402My Desktop/20080402 by mandolux (cc by-nc-nd)

Recently in MetaTalk:

Mefi kicks it old skool with the resurrection of the Mefi Gopher server

and Greg Nog issues a Mefi Cover Challenge to "record a cover of a song that you only know about because it was in a post on metafilter." (Previous Mefi Music challenges here, and the first Mefi Music Podcast with greenish here.)

by taz

Blood Brother

Carter Burwell on PBS NewsHourCarter Burwell on PBS NewsHour

Carter Burwell and the Coen brothers both broke into Hollywood with Blood Simple in 1984. With only two exceptions, Burwell has served as composer on every film they have made since.

Nice post from AlonzoMosleyFBI on frequent Coen brothers collaborator, 2016 Oscar-nominated composer Carter Burwell, plus a comment from leibniz about interviewing Burwell regarding "his attitude towards the emotional nature of music," with a link to the Google books page where you can read the whole thing. Very interesting!

by taz

Delicious Post Pairing

Radio towerRadio tower by Łukasz Strachanowski (cc by-nc)

"William Carrà is a somewhat mysterious affiliate of Nicolas Jaar’s Other People record label who makes DJ mixes of eclectic sounds suited for late night."


Midnight Radio, A beautiful standalone comics story.

by taz


David Bowie is crossing the borderDavid Bowie is crossing the border by mrpstr (cc by-sa)

If you're mourning the Starman or the Goblin King, you're not alone. Come join Mefi's David Bowie wake, a thread full of good links and stories and meditations on what he meant to us.

MetaFilter Music podcast from greenish!

You like music? Of course you like music. And MetaFilter members post their music on MetaFilter Music, but what if you forget to go over there and look around?

Good news! Mefite greenish has put together a great first episode of a new MetaFilter Music Podcast, for your listening pleasure. Come give it a listen and toss some feedback in the MetaTalk thread!

by cortex

Marvelous, manic, mysterious and bemusing music on Mefi


Painting over a muralPainting over a mural by WarmSleepy (cc by)

Some interesting ideas and answers in mermaidcafe's Ask Me post looking for examples of erasure in architecture, audio recordings, science, art, and other fields.

by taz

Peace, Order, and Good Government

Mosaika Light Show on Parliament HillMosaika Light Show on Parliament Hill by Jamie McCaffrey (cc by)

O Canada! Come join the party in the Canadian election thread! It's been a dramatic campaign with a dramatic result (celebration starts here). For intensive Mefi coverage of the runup to the big day, see here.

Meanwhile in the baseball playoffs, the Toronto Blue Jays were involved in the bizarre play of the year (oh btw they're still in contention, and there's another thread for the NL series too).

And heck, while we're at it, let's throw in some misty watercolor memories of the late-90s happy hardcore scene in Toronto.

long time ago when we was fab

Mikel vinylMikel vinyl by aspitos4kids (cc by-nc)

Fun question in Ask Me: You spin me right round baby right round like a what? "I need songs with specific lyrics which I can play for my daughter which represent antiquated technology that she has no real understanding of."

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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