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Posts tagged with london

"everything is so expensive"

beautifully handwitten letter on old paperBen Browne letter to his father via

chariot pulled by cassowaries posted This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London, a collection of letters describing a 27-year-old’s office job, social life and financial concerns beginning in 1719.

by taz

London's Green Cabmen's Shelters

Photo of a Cabmen's Shelter on the side of a street in London Ever wondered what those green huts by the side of the road in London are? They're Cabmen’s Shelters and ' chariot pulled by cassowaries' made a lovely post about these relics from the Victorian era.

Violent death in thousand shapes displayed

image of a Medieval map of London with Latin writing and pushpin icons marking the recorded deaths

paduasoy has posted the London Medieval Murder Map to scratch your 14th-century murders-most-foul demographics itch

by taz

Got that good soul in my feet

dancedance by bambe1964 (cc by-nd)

Put your dancing shoes on and take a trip around the world, in gusandrews's fascinating comment on the myriad ways social dance changes and spreads.

Doroteo Arango II reflects on one night at a famous dance club in London. "In 2002 I made a literal last minute decision, standing at the check-in line at the airport after a visit to my sister, to stay in London and see how long and how far I could make it with 100 pounds and basic English..."

Did you catch the incredible historical find, re-created Afro-Caribbean dance music from the 1600s?

What are some of your favorite transcendent, gives-you-chills performances? (And how about most amazing heart-in-your-throat sports moments?)

Conspire describes how this dancer's sign-language performance modifies lyrics and mixes languages to better serve the intended viewer.

MeFi Music "City Songs" are here!

shackle_originales_07shackle_originales_07 by carmela alvarado art (cc by-nc-nd)

Aw yeah! The results of the Mefi Music challenge for May/June, with the theme City Songs, are queued up and ready to play! The MetaTalk thread discussing the effort and the tunes that emerged from this 77th (!) MeMu Challenge is here. Enjoy!

by taz


Styven Magnes : Speech balloonsStyven Magnes : Speech balloons by Marc Wathieu (cc by-nc)

Getting hip with the lingo, on Ask Me: When did the phrase "Garbage People/Person" become popular? | Did people actually say "shwench"? | In words like normcore, What is the meaning of the -core suffix?

... and recently on the blue, D'ya get me, bruv?; a new London accent called MLE has emerged in the last few years | A Tart My Dears, A Tart – how British gay men used to talk, featuring Polari, the cult language of UK homosexuals derived from theatre and circus slang

by taz

London Pentimento

Isleworth riverside settlement image via thamesdiscovery.orgIsleworth riverside settlement image via

Yankeefog's question about fragments of old London still visible in modern London is a great place to fall down a rabbithole of curiosities, from Bronze Age fish traps on the Thames to bits of HMS Temeraire recycled into ecclesiastical furniture for St Mary's Church.

by taz

There's nothing quite like having to come home to the wife and explain why you smell of cordite.

The Honourable Artillery Company Entrance, City Road - City Of London.The Honourable Artillery Company Entrance, City Road - City Of London. by Jim Linwood (cc by)

"If you like strange London quirks like this, then you'll also likely be fascinated by..." MeFite garius gives us a tour of some of London's endearing quirks.

by jessamyn

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