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Posts tagged with Metatalk

Take care of each other

It's been a hard year and a worse week; if you're a MetaFilter member or lurker and want to just come be with some other folks on the site for the sake of being there together as a community, this MetaTalk thread is open for that.

by cortex

Spinach in Ur MetaTalk

Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1747 by Ape Lad (cc by-nc-nd)

lately in MetaTalk:

Why, the site is a glorious peacock!: Announcing More Color for the Classic Theme

Mefi Podcast 114 is out: "I Say It's Spinach, And To Hell With It"

Discussing Books in Fanfare: Let's talk about books, baby

How YOU doin'?: What's new, MeFites? Have a life update you'd like to share?

by taz

Dramatic Gopher News, and a Music Challenge

My Desktop/20080402My Desktop/20080402 by mandolux (cc by-nc-nd)

Recently in MetaTalk:

Mefi kicks it old skool with the resurrection of the Mefi Gopher server

and Greg Nog issues a Mefi Cover Challenge to "record a cover of a song that you only know about because it was in a post on metafilter." (Previous Mefi Music challenges here, and the first Mefi Music Podcast with greenish here.)

by taz

New profile page visibility options

dip dip dip, my blue ship, sailing on the water like a cup and saucer, o-u-t spells out ;-)dip dip dip, my blue ship, sailing on the water like a cup and saucer, o-u-t spells out ;-) by *Psyche Delia* (cc by-nc)

Members are now offered a couple of new profile page preference choices: the ability to make their "Contributions" and "Social" fields visible only to logged-in members, and the ability to enter their geographic coordinates without this info being visible. See all the details in this Metatalk post.

by taz

"Bathrobes are the deerstalker hats of internet sleuthing" video screen capture'They made me wear my bathrobe' [screen capture from video via]

Now is the time when I am typing. I am typing on my computer doing internet things. Isn't this interesting? Cool internet things. I solved a puzzle and now people are taking pictures of me pretending to solve a puzzle. harperpitt

JannaK reports that the HLN network has produced a short video episode featuring the Ask Metafilter post requesting help with her late grandmother's coded messages, and "the true hero of this story: Metafilter's own harperpitt, her code-breaking skills, and the power of the hive mind in tackling web mysteries."

(Post title text grabbed from littlesq!)

by taz

"Stretch your wings in September"

flying highflying high by Kalexanderson (cc by-nc-nd)

Posting to the front page of Metafilter can seem daunting, mysterious, and/or fraught with with uncertain outcomes. (Spoiler: It is easier than it might look.) If you have never or rarely posted a FPP but would like to, we’re here to help.

Posting to the Front Page: You Can Do It Too! in MetaTalk

by taz

most excellent fancy

Sausalito, CASausalito, CA by ClatieK (cc by-nd)

The very recent 'rats in the shitter' ...
posted by Fig

God, I think I laughed at Rats in the Shitter for 10 minutes straight posted by thetortoise

I think we're due for another "this comment made me choke on my own spit" meta thread!: In Metatalk, phunniemee asks Mefites for "your favorite funny comments, moments where other mefites have made you giggle uncontrollably"

by taz

"and that means more awesomeness"

A helping hand (color version)A helping hand (color version) by Kalexanderson (cc by-nc-nd)

I propose we spend September helping new posters successfully make the leap into the wonderful world of FPPs.

In MetaTalk, julen suggests a cool member collaboration for next month: "Let’s Encourage and Help Folks Make Their First Posts," and asks for input.

by taz

Show Us Your Desk, 2015 Edition

Phunniemee, Meta-recursivelyphunniemee, Meta-recursively

In Metatalk: Mefites share images of their desks, work spaces, squee places, head spaces, wee places, and spacey spaces. <3

by taz

stupid human tricks?

The Human CannonballThe Human Cannonball by (aka Brent) (cc by)

Eyebrows McGee asks Mefites to Tell Us A Fascinating Thing About Yourself.

by taz

Enable Cookies
The annual Metafilter Holiday Cookie Swap signups have begun!

by taz

2014 Winter Wishes Gift Drive

snowman in the snowsnowman in the snow by acidpix (cc by)

"It's that fantastic time of the year when MetaFilter comes together to provide gifts for kids!"

by taz

JulyByWomen Project

kimberly-ellen-hall nottene JULY calendarkimberly-ellen-hall nottene JULY calendar by brella (cc by-nc-sa)

Viggorlijah posts a Metatalk inviting women to participate in a July experiment to increase front page posts by women: "Women post to the front page proportionally less often, and I want to see if we can shift that. By my calculations ... only about 8% (lowballed because women don't identify themselves always on profiles) of FPPs are made by women. This is much lower than the number of self-reported women on Metafilter, and lower than the percentage of women commenting."

by taz

Third MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest Has Begun

zork 1 dos versionzork 1 dos version by Opossed

February is Interactive Fiction Contest Month! With even easier IF-building options!

by jessamyn

C is for Cookie

The great Metafilter Holiday-Adjacent Cookie Swap of 2013: signups have begun!

by jessamyn

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher





