A roaring Ask Metafilter "identify this item" success for moonmilk's question "Do you recognize this t-shirt from 1992?"
A roaring Ask Metafilter "identify this item" success for moonmilk's question "Do you recognize this t-shirt from 1992?"
"The real collection of patterns is the physical collection. Envelopes are individually sleeved and kept safe in 3-ring Binders. This web page, the digital images of the patterns, are put in place so other people can enjoy these wonderful patterns": cardioid has posted's amazing collection of over 500 security envelope patterns — designs printed on the inside of envelopes to obscure the contents of snail mail.
In Ask Metafilter, HotToddy is asking about the best needlepoint kit sellers, and SinAesthetic posts about an app to convert your images into cross-stitch patterns.
"... a totally different organizational method born from the studio practices of artists, designers, and DIYers that involves laying out related objects—paint pens and ink markers, wrenches and chisels, metal chains of all sizes—in a precise but simultaneously stylish way, intended to streamline workflow."
mumimor has some interesting thoughts about Eyebrows McGee's question on Decorating a Baroque palace
Welcome to cluttercore. People have opinions! In fact, every nook and cranny of this thread on TikTok's newest design trend is filled with different, fun, colorful opinions!
And in other news on filling things to the brim, Remittance by the Barrel is an interesting read about Caribbean communities carefully, lovingly curating barrels of items to ship to relatives outside of the U.S. Nice!
What Might this Cardi B?
Speaking of things found on the ground (earlier), Mystery Card. Do you recognize it?
Dame posted Retours, "a digital magazine on the intersection of railway history, design and photography."
In Ask Metafilter, signal is looking for examples of or resources for identifying inherent biases in different kinds of design (industrial, service, interface, graphic, etc.)
anadem asks advice in Ask Metafilter: I made a little boat, a skin-on-frame canoe. It floats nicely when empty, but when I get in it tips me out. I want to make another boat that's more stable with me in it.
Don't miss the cool photos of the building process linked in the post!
Furnished: Film and Furniture furnishes you with fascinating facts about the décor in your favourite films
Unfurnished: This Is The Most Filmed In Alley In NYC
Selling the sizzle: This Is Why You Can't Stop Watching Movie Trailers
Selling the steak: Why Dwayne Johnson is the new Schwarzenegger
Crossed: "A Report Of Connected Events," short film blurs the lines between reality and our favourite stories
Double-crossed: Wild Things ... 12 double-crosses in a movie with a runtime of 108 minutes
Defining: Polish Radio Experimental Studio influenced animation soundtracks for generations to come
Redefining: a three-part essay series on costume design for heroic female characters
Time and space: This May Be Stanley Kubrick Explaining the End of 2001
Time and place: "The Letter Carrier," exquisite, chilling fable in a short film
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.