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Posts tagged with embroidery

Oil, societal change, and energy transition

A scene from The Black Gold Tapestry by Sandra SawatzkyScene from The Black Gold Tapestry Come view this breathtakingly beautiful embroidered story of oil in human history, created by Sandra Sawatzky, in this great post by 'They sucked his brains out!'

Which Stitchery

A close-up color photo of a sunflower on the left, and on the right, the image converted to a cross-stitch patternimage via

In Ask Metafilter, HotToddy is asking about the best needlepoint kit sellers, and SinAesthetic posts about an app to convert your images into cross-stitch patterns.

by taz

Needle Points

A couple of fantastic examples of animated stichwitchery recently on Mefi:

Nudinits knitted animationNudinits knitted animation

In 27kjmm's debut post, Nina Paley and Theodore Gray beautifully animate the traditional Passover folk song "Chad Gadya" in embroidery on matzoh covers in one of their most labor intensive feats, taking a year and a half


"Oh my god, it's knitting, stop-motion and bum jokes" in jacquilynne's post on the Nudinits: Tickled Pink, an all-knit, all nude, stop-motion animation

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





