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Posts tagged with Fashion

Stylishly serving you drinks and snacks

Uniforms of Germania Airline / Germany

Hey, do you like flight attendant uniforms? Well Lemkin has the post for you, which looks at a lot of uniforms from a lot of airlines. By "a lot" we mean "many" to a degree that will astound you, go ahead and look! Some might say it's too much, but ignore those people.

So it goes

Close-up image of sewing needles of various sizes inserted into a blue pincushion. The needles are arranged at different angles, with a soft, blurred background emphasizing the sharpness of the needles and the texture of the pincushion.image via

Sow, sew, so!, so-so, sough, ... so?

by taz

Möbius? Is that you fooling around again?

Fashion image of a model with short, wavy, dark hair wearing a beige fleece scarf tied or arranged attractively around their neck. They are dressed in a black coat and are looking off to the side against a plain white background.image via

Hey, it's the Belladonna Loop! Belladonna solves the knotty question of how this scarf was tied in this way, with helpful illustration!

by taz

Along Came Ra

Photo of Sun Ra, dressed in a celestial-themed outfit adorned with stars and wearing an intricate metallic headpiece, sits at a keyboard surrounded by Egyptian-inspired sculptures of deities and mystical artifacts in a vibrant, otherworldly settingSun Ra, Space Is the Place (1974) via IMDB

Lempkin posted Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise, one-hour documentary shot over two years, recording the late musician's celebrated and unique fusion of music, mysticism, cosmic mystery, poetry, and mythology. (Plus smashing headgear!)

by taz


photo of a wooden drop spindle with beautiful blue-green yarnDrop spindle with wool via Wikimedia

Sheep farmer here, raising pedigree Shetlands for fleece quality ... Rhedyn comments in the post on how synthetic textiles made from plastic took over the fashion industry. Wow, there is so much fascinating info in this thread! If you have an interest in fashion, textiles, environment, design, climate, farming ... take a look. Plus Nibbly Fang with more info and some great book recs at the end.

by taz

Covering various coverings of history

Bust of Napolean from 'The Six Napoleans' in The Sherlock Holmes Museum by Gail Frederick

A hat is defined as a shaped covering for the head worn for warmth, as a fashion item, or as part of a uniform. So yes, there have been a lot of hats throughout history, as chronicled by the HatHistorian, in this post by ChurchHatesTucker. Click to check it out and discover the history of that oddly shaped hat worn by Napoleon!

Time Tunnel

colorful abstract spiraling swirl against a dark backgroundTwirl Time by The Boy from Bare (cc by)

Among other things, Mefites ponder fashion changes (or lack thereof) in the last 20 years, and whether 96 unfrosted brown sugar PopTarts is too many unfrosted brown sugar PopTarts. Also, bisons are BACK, baby, and, timely: a 24-hour Dr. Who charity livestream event beginning 11/25, POV, Time Lord time.

by taz

You should be able to walk, run and dance in every outfit

Nya garderobenNya garderoben by Magnus D (cc by)

It's throwback Thursday! Come enjoy Metroidbaby's 2014 post about building and maintaining a wardrobe!

You Thought You Could Throw Me Away

Photo by Thandiwe MuriuA Cycle of Joy” (2023). All images © Thandiwe Muriu Heyho created a post that showcases Kenyan photographer Thandiwe Muriu and her work with wax fabrics common in Central and West Africa.

Native Street Style

Runway photo of model in Lauren Good Day multicolor midi ribbon skirtphoto by Tira Howard Photography for SWAIA

If the Indigenous community has its version of the Met Gala, this would be it ... Mefi member Bottlecap offers info and highlights on the designers and designs at the 101st Santa Fe Indian Market

by taz

What Would The Emperor Wear?

DandelionDandelion by John Brighenti (cc by)

wheatlets is "looking for clothing that passes the Stupid Sexy Flanders test": any type of clothing, as long as it can barely be felt on your body. What are your favourite articles of clothing that feel as little like wearing clothing as possible?

by taz


girl on a game show wearing a white t-shirt with a bright screen-printed design showing a stylized yellow feline against a blue and red backgrounddetail of youtube screen capture

A roaring Ask Metafilter "identify this item" success for moonmilk's question "Do you recognize this t-shirt from 1992?"

by taz

Slow Fashion

Dancing Peasants, late 1400’s, via medieval painting of a group of men and women outside, dancing, dressed mainly in red, blue, and white simple outfits, probably for a feast / celebration

In Ask Metafilter, iamsuper asks, How unfashionable were the medieval poor? "How fast did fashion spread in, say, medieval times, or Tudor times? Would people living in remote areas perhaps be wearing clothes that were 100 years or more out of fashion? Or would fashions evolve at similar speeds to today?"

by taz

Skirting Disaster

image of woman in long skirt walking up stairsScreen capture from Youtube video Victorian Dress vs Fight Scenes: The Nevers Costume Analysis by Bernadette Banner

From last month, in the "that's a darned good question" department, cilantro asked How did servants (or anyone, really) walk upstairs in long skirts with a tray or two buckets or anything that left them without a hand free to hold said skirt out of the way?. Good answers!

by taz

"Unpacking the Nap Dress"

photo of three nap dresses from Hill House

orange swan: I'm a hard sell on the simpler, pastoral/country life "you can wear this to frolic in meadows" fantasy that is used to market it. Pro-tip: if you should go frolicking in a pasture in such a dress, be sure to watch out for the groundhog holes. And the thistles. And the cowpies. Mefites discuss the Nap Dress.

by taz

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