British Royal Wedding
WE DO have a thread for folks who want to dish and chatter about the British royal wedding.
WE DO have a thread for folks who want to dish and chatter about the British royal wedding.
Here's a fun one: chaiminda asks for "scenes in books in which people go shopping or make clothes, with loving descriptions of the clothes themselves."
Bonus: Wondering how to wear a flat cap without looking like a goofus? Ask Mefi has you covered.
Join Mefites for a deep dive on some arts and culture from outside the west:
Catchy song and an intro to Kriol language and culture from an Indigenous Australian singer
A new movie provides a window into the unique culture, language, and politics of multigenerational Tamil-Malaysians
Classic short story from "one of Bengal's greatest writers"
Men's fashion from a prizewinning Indian designer
Regional politics, arts and music from Sudanese and South Sudanese journalists
Y2K Futurism - "An investigation into the futurism/aesthetic of the period 1996-02" on imgur
and from the turn of the previous century, afrofuturism from the past – "The Princess Steel," W. E. B. Du Bois's recently-discovered SF story.
Ramses condoms are named after Ramses II, who had almost 160 children. Condoms are kind of all about preventing lots of kids ... And the Trojans famously let a large object inside their city which discharged a swarm of invaders that destroyed it. Again, isn't this exactly the opposite of what a condom should do? – Sangermaine
Arousing, spacey, spicy and dashing design recently on Mefi: Vintage condom package designs; An extravagant symbol of a man who can’t hide his true nature – A brief history on Spats; Taxi Fabric connects young Indian designers with taxi drivers; When Airlines Looked Cool and Showed It, posters from flying's golden age; In the '70s, NASA commissioned a redesign of their "meatball" logo... unfortunately a lot of NASA engineers hated it. And of course, Mefites weigh in on the Google logo redesign.
and in the Green: Who originated the ubiquitous laser/neon grid design of the '80s?; Cool examples of generative art?; How can I make beautiful Powerpoint Slides?; "The best way I can describe it is 'whimsical'" – Where can I get more plates like this?
If you ever wondered what the lifecycle of a sari is like, MeFi member peacheater gave an amazing answer for how her mother has maintained a collection of saris over decades.
Another thing to note it that because saris are meant to be kept in the family and handed down (there are simply no sizing problems, if you think about it, since the blouse and underskirt can always be restitched for another person and the sari itself is just one big piece of cloth), women of the middle classes and above are willing to spend way more on a sari than one would imagine - if my mother really loves a sari, she'll go ahead and fork over thousands of dollars for it. However, it will remain pristine for decades, as she gets her saris pressed, and she has amazing taste, so even her old saris still look stunning.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.