What happens to old saris?
Sari Cloth Seller in New Delhi by Peter Rivera (cc by)
If you ever wondered what the lifecycle of a sari is like, MeFi member peacheater gave an amazing answer for how her mother has maintained a collection of saris over decades.
Another thing to note it that because saris are meant to be kept in the family and handed down (there are simply no sizing problems, if you think about it, since the blouse and underskirt can always be restitched for another person and the sari itself is just one big piece of cloth), women of the middle classes and above are willing to spend way more on a sari than one would imagine - if my mother really loves a sari, she'll go ahead and fork over thousands of dollars for it. However, it will remain pristine for decades, as she gets her saris pressed, and she has amazing taste, so even her old saris still look stunning.