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Posts tagged with fiction

Across and Down

Project 365 #90: 310319 Fuzzy LogicProject 365 #90: 310319 Fuzzy Logic by comedy_nose (cc by)

crosswords ↔️ cross words
typewriters ↔️ writer types
mail order ↔️ male order?
catalog ↔️ log a cat
flash fiction ↔️ fash friction

(ps: witness kurumi's cunning coup of cruciverbalist craft!)

by taz

Dragon up old memories...

illustration of frightening semi-skeletal black dragon perched on skull in dark and poisonous marsh

God, I miss the days when I would stay up til 3am reading the Drizzt books and the Dragonlance books, loving every word on the page and also going through an entire package of oreos and a half gallon of milk while reading them, and my metabolism would say "No worries, I got you, fam!" lord_wolf

Mefites remember the Forgotten Realms pulp fantasy novels of the '90s

by taz

Halloween Eve Even More Weird

Detail from film poster for 1967 Russian horror film ViyDetail from film poster for 1967 Russian horror film "Viy"

If you've finally gulped down Wobbuffet's fantastic Weird Tales from the 18th Century and are hungerrrring for morrrre, feast your eyes and immortal soul on (Translated) Weird Tales from the 19th Century and Weird Tales from the 20th Century, all with lots and lots of lovely, juicy online links for reading late into the witching hour.

by taz

Sady, Sady, Scary Lady

Patrick Bateman NAKED in tanning bed with subtitle SOMETHING HORRIBLE IS HAPPENING INSIDE OF ME

Sady recommends horror: coolname points us toward some excellent film commentary by Sady Doyle that will maybe make you rethink some things you thunk before.

by taz

Everybody Needs a Hygge

17/365 - Weekend Bliss17/365 - Weekend Bliss by Phae (cc by-nc-nd)

scenes in firelit rooms while it rains outside; passing long, chilly nights; comfy interiors; hearty meals ... In Ask Metafilter, delight is looking for cozy, satisfying historical fiction for Fall.

by taz

"Tales of Wonder and Terror"

image of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1943) by Dorothea TanningDorothea Tanning, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (1943)

Amazing post! Flagged as phantasmic*: Wobbuffet kicks off spooky season with a fabulous, deep, bookworm-friendly post on weird tales from the 18th Century.

by taz

Hugo Kudos

The Calculating Stars cover detailThe Calculating Stars cover detail

All Hugo Award Winners 2019 in Fanfare, and Archive of Our Own wins the 2019 Hugo for Best Related Work in Metafilter blue. Earlier: Hugo Nominated Novelettes and Hugo Nominated Short Stories in Fanfare, and The 2019 Hugo Awards Finalists in the blue.

by taz

"The reader, reading it, makes it live"

book 23book 23 by kruzul (cc by-sa)

Lots of great reading recommendations by members in the 50 Must-Read Fantasy Books by Women thread

by taz

"Write like you need it to survive"

Writer's Block IWriter's Block I by Drew Coffman (cc by)

If you haven't checked it out yet, Cozybee has collected 50+ bookmarks for writers and aspiring writers, including worksheets, where to submit, advice for outlining, plotting, breaking through writer's block, worldbuilding, character development, and much more!

by taz

Hugos There?

hugo awardshugo awards by trendingtopics (cc by)

Booklovers can now keep up with discussion of current Hugo nominated books and stories in Fanfare via the Hugo Awards 2019 Club

by taz

I can be your long lost pal

still from Tales from Earthseastill from Tales from Earthsea, Studio Ghibli

On Ask Metafilter, kandinski asks about The mythical power of knowing someone's "True Name"

by taz

Mefi is Lit

'Luna' (1997) by Quint Buchholz'Luna' (1997) by Quint Buchholz by Plum leaves (cc by)

For the bookishly inclined ...

From Mefi: Sue Halpern writes In Praise of Public Libraries for The New York Review of Books | Extraordinary 500-year-old library catalogue discovered | When Zora and Langston Took a Road Trip | Lost-children stories and Australia's uneasy mythology

On Fanfare: Hugo Nominated Short Stories, and 2019 Hugo Nominee for Best Graphic Story, On a Sunbeam, (more Hugo awards discussion here)

Popular on Ask Me: Looking for mystery and crime fiction that feature an Asian protagonist or a predominantly Asian cast of characters | Looking for post-post-collapse fiction | What to read after The Goblin Emperor? | What's next after Middlemarch? | Where to start with Lois McMaster Bujold?

by taz

Seeking Sinister Bildungsromans

The Secret History

rogerrogerwhatsyourrvectorvicto is looking for "a specific type of novel that is the definition of "comfort" for me - a loner attends a school/college, is adopted by an inner circle (usually led by one charismatic member), and after a period of euphoria realizes that there’s something sinister afoot."

by taz

Story Board

Reading by the fireReading by the fire by isfullofcrap (cc by)

Wobbuffet has been crushing it with wonderful posts about excellent SF/F short stories, and the latest, Some reviews & reviewers of 2018's SF/F short fiction so far, is a link-rich feast for hungry readers ... but check it out: nearly every day in July so far has been a new treat:

Three recent SF/F short stories about memories lost and found

"We are chaos. We are the teeth of dragons, shed like seeds."

Relationships unfolding in moments of realization--two SF/F stories

Ledger B, 1772 - 1793: pg.179

Four charming and/or dryly humorous SF/F short stories

Winner of The White Review Short Story Prize for 2018

Stay tuned!

by taz

Charm School

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