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Posts tagged with fiction

Ask Mefi, Take Me Awaaaay!

"There are some questions of Muppet ontology that resist easy answers."

The MuppetsThe Muppets by tracilawson (cc by)

You're old enough now, it's time we had the talk: where do Muppets come from?

Scratching Around in Ask Me ...

Happy Easter!Happy Easter! by The hills are alive* (cc by)

Chickenologists calculate Gaston's breakfast needs, while other Mefites try to Whisk up the best salted oatmeal cookie recipe, file helpful insights about a career in records and information management, support the seeker of a "bralette for the large of boob," and dig for gold in search of authors with a gift for beautiful metaphors and fiction that make you see daily life differently.

by taz

Historical Fiction nitty gritty

My current job is reading novels and what's called "writing coverage" on them. (Coverage is the entertainment industry equivalent of a book report, wherein people like me read things so that more important people can pretend they read them.) I read 2-3 novels per week, mostly self-published genre novels.

Sara C. has an interesting job, and some good advice on context, details, sources and backgrounds for historical fiction, in answer to the question, "what were the details of everyday life in late 16th century Italy?"

by taz

SciFi on the HiFi

Tuning InTuning In by Evans Archive (cc by-nc-nd)

Presented for your consideration, Iridic's M I N D W E B S post tunes in an historic archive of semi-dramatized readings of classic science fiction tales by some of the genre's best authors, preserved from weekly broadcasts aired by WHA Radio in Madison, Wisconsin

by taz

Futurism Past

from Y2K Aestheticfrom Y2K Aesthetic

Y2K Futurism - "An investigation into the futurism/aesthetic of the period 1996-02" on imgur

and from the turn of the previous century, afrofuturism from the past – "The Princess Steel," W. E. B. Du Bois's recently-discovered SF story.

by taz

Strange Far Places

bottom_cthulhubottom_cthulhu by missmonstermel

I have a thing for eldritch abominations, alien geometry, fridge horror, and general nightmare fuel. I want more, pretty please!

In Ask Metafilter: Feed me the nightmare fuel

by taz

Break glass in case of Thanksgiving Overload

Bunny of Despair.jpgBunny of Despair.jpg by moonbird (cc by-nc-nd)

I am looking for novels in which the protagonist has been rejected by society, hates society and all it's people generally or just feels very disconnected from everything ... I like sadness, despair, bleakness, isolation and melancholy. I don't care what the story is about and I don't care how it ends...

ihaveyourfoot seeks fictional novels to help me dive head first into the abyss

by taz

"someone deserves the Spell of Forlorn Encystment"

Dragon ScreamDragon Scream by Brandon James Scott (cc by-nc-nd)

Want to hear Mefites hiss and spit over sins of omission (and inclusion!) in another "best books" thread, and pick up some great member reading recommendations along the way? Check out the thread on The 51 Best Fantasy Series Ever Written. (tip of the wizard hat to y2karl for the title)

In other news, Space Journey Walrus makes an entrance in a thread about some Very Serious Developments Indeed in the aftermath of "this year's kerpupple surrounding the Hugo awards," soon acquiring form (and fashion) and narrative arc. What strange new realms await our hero?

by taz

Caution-ary Tales

sol ringsol ring by fuzzysaurus (cc by)

In a discussion of the current Hugo Award nominees, Monsieur Caution offers up a great, linkified alternative slate of personal favorites, plus points out a couple of posts on 2014 SFF that fans might want to peruse.

by taz

"decentralized and borderline anarchic"

"Whacca doing?" "Oh, just reading some unpublished stories written by independent writers." #Fanfic #Nokia #Fanfiction #glee by beeto456 (cc by-nc)

Suelac offers search tips and breaks down some of the search and rating terms for fanfiction in the current It's a Fanmade World discussion, and several members share recommendations in response to the question "are there any recs for well-written fanfic that doesn't involve slash/hetslash at all?": 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, plus an Ask Me roundup.

by taz

Marquis rules

Us Conductors book covers

Discussed in MetaTalk: MetaFilter member Marquis (Sean Michaels) has won Canada's prestigious Giller Prize for his debut novel, "Us Conductors." (... and Ask Metafilter helped!)

by taz

Third MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest Has Begun

zork 1 dos versionzork 1 dos version by Opossed

February is Interactive Fiction Contest Month! With even easier IF-building options!

by jessamyn

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