Cozy, cozy, cozy
Snuggle up, frens: In Ask Metafilter, azalea_chant seeks Cozy Crime (less trope-y than cozy mystery), signal is looking for Cozy History on everyday life, and churl wants Bedtime Reading Suggestions for Couples.
Snuggle up, frens: In Ask Metafilter, azalea_chant seeks Cozy Crime (less trope-y than cozy mystery), signal is looking for Cozy History on everyday life, and churl wants Bedtime Reading Suggestions for Couples.
detail from book cover: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
doctornemo on cozy horror, including the subgenre's basic elements, a historical perspective, praise, criticism, controversy, and more!
cozy by maisha.paradox (cc by-nc)
In Ask Metafilter: "I want to have a nice cosy new year's weekend - good food, crazy cats, and something nice to read/fun to watch. The first two are covered, but suggest me something for the rest?"
17/365 - Weekend Bliss by Phae (cc by-nc-nd)
scenes in firelit rooms while it rains outside; passing long, chilly nights; comfy interiors; hearty meals ... In Ask Metafilter, delight is looking for cozy, satisfying historical fiction for Fall.
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